Chapter 6

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I tap my pen on my notepad quickly. Gazing at my phone, wanting the screen to light up with Cole's name on it. I sigh eagerly, closing my eyes just hoping she's okay. A slightly loud vibrating sound snaps me out of my state, I immediately pick it up and answer it.
"Hey" I say anxiously 

"Hey sorry I took so long to call.. We had some issues" he says slightly hesitantly. 

"Issues? What do you mean? Is Riley okay?" 

"Yeah she's fine.. She just wanted to go home and I told her she couldn't.. We bickered a bit but she's doing alright now" he chuckled "but how are you?" 

I sigh and look down "I'm fine... Thank you Cole... For everything" I sigh biting my lip slightly "A-and I'm sorry about the way I acted the other day... I just didn't really know how to handle it, and I guess it was pretty rude of me to ask you to help my friend after what I did" I say with guilt

"It's okay.. I didn't expect you to act any different, I'm just glad I got to help you" He says sincerely. "And I guess that wasn't the most pleasant way to learn about vampires" he chuckles. 

I slightly laugh along with him "yeah.. But it's okay" I suddenly hear Riley's voice the the background. 

"What's up?" Cole asks her. 

"Hey Rose I gotta go, I'll see you at school tomorrow" 

"Alright, goodnight"

"Goodnight" he says then hangs up. I set my phone down and head down stairs, It was beginning to get stuffy in my room and i just needed a bigger space to lounge in. As i was walking down the stairs  my Uncle Jon was walking up. "Im going to bed, night kiddo" He says kissing my forehead softly then heading up to his room. I walk to the kitchen and begin to make something to snack on.


I hang up and put my phone in my back pocket then look at Riley. "You needed me?" I say curiously

"W-well.. You know how Jeremy compelled Rose because she didn't have her red jasper ring?" She says nervously 

" yeah.... What do you know Riley?" 

"I know where it is..." She says "I'm sorry.. I remember Kyle compelling me not to say anything" she says as her voice cracks with guilt, on the verge of tears. When you become a vampire, if you were compelled as a human, all of the things the vampire compelled you to do or forget come back to you.

"Hey.. It's okay, we just need to get it from him, he obviously wants to get to her" 

"Well where is he now?" Riley asks. I use my speed to look around the house.

"He's not here..." I say as I look at her.

"You stay here, I'll go get him, I already have an idea of where he's at"

"No, let me go with you" she snaps. 

"No.. It's too dangerous" I say shaking my head.

"Listen to me, my best friend is in danger, and I will do anything for her" she says protectively. 

"I understand where you're coming from but I can't let you go" I say "I can't let your anger and your craving for blood that you still have take over" Riley scoffs and folds her arms, sitting down on the chair. "Thank you, ill let you know how everything went" I use my speed and make my way out of the door. 


As i chop up an apple my hand slips off the slightly wet surface and i cut my finger. I wince in pain as i walk over to the sink and let the blood rinse off my finger. I sigh and look over my shoulder as i hear a slightly soft knock on the door. I frown slightly and go to answer it, my finger not bleeding too badly. I unlock it and open it looking slightly upward seeing Kyle, with extremely blood shot eyes. My heart skips a beat with slight fear but anger too. "What are you doing here" I say sternly. He slightly chuckles and looks downward at my finger his eyes growing even more bloodshot. I swallow hard and put my finger behind my back. "Go away Kyle.. You've done enough" I say the begin shutting the door, he puts his hand up causing the door to stop. "Lets play a little game.. Hide and seek.. You must hide from me, and i have to find you.. If you try to run upstairs or outside, just know i will catch you and maybe even go after your loved one upstairs" His eyes grow dark red and everything in my body tells me to do everything he says. No... He's compelling me.. My heart skips a beat in fear as i wish i had my phone on me. "Even better.. you don't have your phone" He smirks as he walks closer to me, i step back now us both in the house. He shuts the door quietly then turns back around to face me. "Just to be at least a little bit fair, I'll close my eyes and give you 30 seconds"  He turns around and begins to count to 30. My heart pounds as i run into the kitchen grabbing the knife i was chopping with. I take off with it and head to furthest end of the house "Oh! and if your caretaker is to wake, I won't hesitate to drain him completely dry" Tears begin to fall down my cheeks as I get into a small closet. I shut the door and grab a scarf and begin to wrap it around the two door handles. 

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