Chapter 11

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A/N: sorry for the slightly cheesy pic, but that should give you guys an idea of what the eyes look like. The vampire one isn't very accurate but the hybrid and werewolf ones are. Thanks!))

After i wiped my tears away i had realized all my clothes ripped. I heavily blushed and folded my arms over my chest. I wasnt trying to get him away from me, i was just self consious about my body. Cole cleared his throat and put his hands behind his back. He grabbed his jet black shirt and pulled it over his head exposing his well built body. Once his shirt was completly off he held it at the top and i grabbed it and put it over me. His shirt was slightly loose and it ended at mid thigh. "Thank you" i say softly as i run my fingers through my hair and he slightly smiles.

As Cole and I were walking back to his car, my mind was playing out every little thing that happened. I killed my own grandfather. I won't be able to live with myself. Tears begin streaming down my face and Cole stops and looks at me "what's the matter?" He says pulling me into a tight embrace. "I killed him... I killed my own grandfather.. He's dead Cole. I did it" I say "make me forget! Please Cole..." I pleade him.

He holds me closer and tighter as he rubs my back soothingly. "Rose... If I could, I would" is all he says. He can't. I squeeze my eyes shut and let out sigh. "What am I going to say to Jon" I say letting go of him to look into his eyes. Cole wipes away my tears and sighs. "We'll figure it out" he gets a slight look of anger upon his face. "W-what is it?" I say and he just shakes his head as we continue to walk.

We make it to his car and we begin to head back to my house in a comfortable silence.

We pull into my driveway and I hear my house phone ring from the driveway and my heart pounds out of curiosity of knowing who it is. I walk in not waiting for Cole seeing Jon answering the phone. "Hello?" He says and a sob comes through the other line. "A-amanda? Are you okay?" He says

"I-its Jack" Jack was my grandfather. No... Jon looks at me then to his feet.
"Your niece killed him in the transformation" she says as her sobs come to a more steady pace. My heart pounds as his jaw drops. His eyes get a glossy coat over them as she continues to speak "we recovered what was left of his body. The reception will be next Sunday. She is not invited" she says with anger. My heart drops as my throat begins to close up. "Understood" is all he says and Jon hangs up the phone.

"J-Jon.. Please. I-im so sorry.." Is all I can manage to get out. He looks at me with disgust. "Jon I didn't mean to... I-"

"You killed him!!" He yells that had a sense of power a soft whimper boomed in my chest. It had the sound of submission.

"J-jon... I-i.." Tears begin to stream down my face.

"You killed your pack's alpha" he says "and I am now the new leader" he says looking me in the eyes. "You are acquainted with our enemy" he says looking past my shoulder and at Cole. "Rose... You are no longer a member of our pack.. You're a rouge now and you don't belong here.. Get out" he says. A new sense of sadness and rejection consumes me as the words flow out of his mouth. "Uncle please! Y-you can't do this" I plead him as a stream of tears falls down my face.
"I said get OUT" He says as anger radiates from his body. I press my lips together and I walk out the door. The reject I feel is unbearable and I just get into Coles car as he stood outside of it. He hops in and starts the car not saying anything. I cover my face a squeeze my eyes shut tightly as the feeling of loneliness engulfs me. A howling noise boomed in my chest as sadness coated the cry. Cole doesn't say anything knowing there was nothing to say. He knew I needed my space and he respected that. I look out the window silently as endless streams of tears fell down my face.

We got to Coles house and he offered for me to sleep in his room with him but I didn't take it. Its not that I didn't want to, I only had his shirt on and that was it. I would just be uncomfortable. Kyle and Riley were already asleep in their rooms so there wasnt any explaining needed tonight. He showed me the guest room that was upstairs. He walked up to me and brought me into a what now seemed to be a cold embrace. "You're so warm" he says softly. "You're so cold" I say slightly smiling. He softly kisses me forehead and walks out of the room, shutting the door behind him. I walked towards the large kind bed. I ran my fingers along the lavender sheets as I walked. The wooden floors creaked beneath my steps. I folded the fleece sheets and comforter back so I could get beneath them. I get comfortable under the blankets and look over to the only lamp illuminating the room, shutting it off. I turn to my side and close my eyes trying to fall asleep.

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