Chapter Three - Zips

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"What are you clicking into the seat?" he asked curiously looking at your seatbelt. 

"It's called a seatbelt. It's just in case we have an accident on the road" I say as I lean over him and put his seatbelt in. 

"It doesn't feel comfortable" he looked at mr pulling at it. 

"You'll get used to it, or rather you'll have too" I say rolling my eyes with a smile. I put the keys into the ignition of the four wheel drive. 

"Aren't cars usually smaller than this?" 

"Yes but I like big cars. You should know, I like big things" I say putting the shift into reverse, letting out a smirk. Severus grips the door handle. 

"Why are we going backwards?!" he says panicking. 

"Calm down I'm just reversing out" I say. I couldn't help laugh at his reaction. 

"It's not funny" he says, looking genuinely frightening. 

"Ok here we go" I put his left hand on top of my right that was on the manual gear. You put the car back into drive and drive out of the car park. 

"Can you pass me the gum in the front compartment?" 


"It's in a blue packet, it's candy" I hear him ravaging through the mess in the car box. 

"Sorry about the mess" 

"Is this it?" he held up a pack of Extra. 

"Yes, can you open one for me?"

"Uh, sure" he investigated the piece of gum. 

"Here" he held out the gum. You opened your mouth. He rolled his eyes and put it in your mouth. 

"Do you want to try one?" he looked at the candy, speculating. 

"Umm, OK?" 

"You can't swallow it"

"What?" he looked at you. 

"You are meant to chew it and spit it out when the flavor is gone" I explained to him. He cautiously put a piece in his mouth. 

"Do you like it?" 

"It tastes of mint, I like it" he says, with a look of satisfaction.  

"We are nearly there" 

"I thought it was a three hour distance in this form of transportation?" 

"No not to my family house, we are going shopping, for your clothes" 

"Oh right" his expression went blank. I pull into a parking spot. You both get out of the car. Severus follows you. 

"We have to go to an atm"

"What is an atm? he questioned. 

"You get money from it" he looked confused. I spot one nearby and push my card into it. 

"What was that?"

"A credit card. You use an atm to withdraw money from your account rather than going to a bank" 

" actually quite smart, for muggle a anyway" he looked pleased. You withdrew money. 

"Ok, let's go in here" I say motioning towards a store. 

"Why is it so cold in here?" Severus whispers to you. 

"It's air-coned" you reply. I walk over to the wallets. 

"What is that?" he questioned. 

"I'll explain later" he nodded at the unsatisfactory answer. 

"Which one do you like?" I ask him. He takes a good look at the wide selection in the glass. 

"I like that one and what are these?" he pointed at a simple black wallet with silver embellishments. 

"They are to put your money in" I say. A sales clerk heads our way. 

"Did you want one of these sir?" she looked at Severus. He panicked. 

"Uh, yes please" I respond in his spot. 

"Is that all today?" she says with a smile. 

"Um, no we are still looking around"  

"No problem, I'll take your wallet to the front" she walked away with the wallet and its box. I take Severus' hand and walk over to the clothing section. 

"Ok, what do you like?" I asked him. 

"None of them" he said flatly. 

"Come on sweetheart, please?" I look at him. He rolls his eyes. 

"Fine" he look through the racks of clothes. He picked up different shirts and pants, handing them to you. Most of them being black, with the occasion green and blue. 

"Uh, babe, I can't hold anymore" Severus looked at you. 

"Oh sorry (Y/N)" he grabbed some of me. 

"I think this is enough" he said to me. I turn my head to the counter. You pay for everything and leave. You stash away all the bags in the car and turn to Severus. 

"What do you want to wear?" I look at him. 

"I think I'll wear this" he pulled out black jeans and a dark navy shirt that had 68 on the back. You walked with him to a bathroom. 

"Wait I don't know how to lock it" he said to me.

"I'll stand outside ok?" 

"Ok" he went in. While he was getting changed I transferred some stuff into his band new wallet. 

"Are you done yet Sev?" I say as time passed.

"I can't put these pants on" he said, obviously struggling. 

"Ok hold on, I'm coming in" I start to open the door. 

"No wait!" 


"You can't come in here?"


"It's the men's bathroom, plus I'm indecent" 

"Severus, we live together. Do I have to remind you of the several times we've ha-"

"Ok (Y/N), Ok come in" I opened the door and locked it behind you. I looked at Severus who had his shirt stuck in his zip. I put my hands on the shirt and gently free it. I do up the zip. I straighten out his shirt and look up at him. He blushed looking over my head. Then you wrap your arms around him and tightly hug him.

-Severus' Point of View-

I was embarrassed that my girlfriend had to do up my pants. I look over her head. I suddenly feel her soft embrace around my waist. She never fails to surprise me. I put my arms around her and kiss her head. She pokes her head up. 

"You look hot in muggle clothes" she says. I frown. 

"No, quite the contrary" I say coolly. 

"We should get going" she interjects. She picks up the clothes on the floor.

"Alohomora" you chant at the door. It swings open. We walk out and thank merlin that no one was around.

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