Drunken Acts

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A/N: just, enjoy xx

He looked so, lifeless. I knew he was alive but he didn't look the part. So motionless. One of the nurses was adjusting a machine and the other one was asking Desmond of any previous medical history. I was in shock. Sure, Damien had gotten drunk before, had fights before but his state has never been bad enough for him to need life support to stay alive. The room was dimly lit, probably so the light wouldn't shock Damien's eyes.

"Miss, are you also related?" a nurse asked me. It was a basic question, but I was chocking back tears to answer this basic question. 

"S-sister. I a-am his sister" I say, suddenly feeling nauseous. I start to feel dizzy as I struggle to stand. 

"Hey, are you ok?" Desmond whispered. He puts his arm around me and puts me in a seat. The nurse hands me a cup of water. I hear Desmond say 'thank you' to the nurse. Desmond goes outside the room for a minute and comes back with Severus. He leans down on his knee and holds my hand. 

"What's wrong?" he looks at Damien. 

"Besides the obvious" he says squeezing my hand. I feel my stomach churn. My hand instantly grabs it as some sort of protection, regardless of it not helping. 

"Okay, (Y/N) come with me" he lifts me and supports me with his arms. Desmond nods and lets us leave the room. We see Elise sitting outside. 

"You guys ok? You go, I'll wait for your Mom" she says, worried. Severus leads me to another waiting room in the main emergency waiting area. He sits me down on a chair and kneels like before.

"(Y/N) what's going on? Are you sick?" he asks, taking my hand in his. He gives me a small smile to make me comfortable but honestly I can't tell him wants wrong, because I don't know whats wrong. 

"I don't know Severus. I've been feeling nauseous and my stomach has been aching" I say hoping he has the answer. 

"What about food poisoning?" he offers a solution. I think about it. It is possible but I have had food poisoning before and this doesn't feel the same. 

"I don't know. I'm just so-" I break down. With everything that is happening, I just couldn't keep a brave face anymore. Severus kneels up and hugs me tightly. While holding me, he talks in a soft voice. 

"(Y/N), I know things are pretty bad with your brother, but you have to look after yourself. Damien will be fine with time and you know that but (Y/N) I love you and there's something wrong, I can feel it" he says. He puts his hand on my stomach and I put my hand over his. I know there is something wrong, but I need to find out what it is. 

"I will, but right now Damien is my focus but I promise you I will find out whats going on" I kiss him softly and hold his hand. We start walking back towards the room where Damien is being treated. We walk back to see Elise, crying outside the room. I rush towards her. 

"What's going on Elise?" Before she had the chance to respond, we heard loud crying in the room. I quickly go into the room, only to see my own mother breaking down in front of me. Desmond was at her side but I don't think it mattered at this point. She saw her almost dead son and I am sure there is nothing more terrifying. Her cries are scaring me. 

"Mom could you stop that please, I've got a headache" said an all too familiar voice. We all looked at the bed that now had motion in it, not much, but still. 

"Oh my god" I say. My mother walks towards him and scolds him. 

"What were you thinking, being so reckless Damien!" I know that he's ok now but I don't think that I need to be here. I know my mom with take care of him and give him the talk he needs. 

"(Y/N), you can go. Mom and I will stay here. I need to work out things with him and I know you and Severus have things to figure out" he hugs me and kisses my cheek. 

"Drive safe" he says. 

"Call me if anything happens" I say. I walk out of the room and tell Elise to go in to support Desmond. 

"Lets go" I say at Severus. 

"Are you sure you don't want to stay" he asks me. I sigh. 

"Yeah, I'm not the one he has to talk to right now" I say. Severus gives me my car keys. Once we get downstairs into the car park, I see Arno hanging is tongue out the window. I smile and unlock the car. Severus gets in the other side and I sit down in the drivers seat. I turn on the engine and drive out of the hospital. 

"I'm here for you (Y/N). I always will be" Severus says, smiling. 

"I know Severus. I know" I say calmly. I roll down the windows and breathe. 

"I just want to go home and relax with you Severus" 

"Then that's what we'll do. You know that actually reminds me, remember in our seventh year, after that terrible potions exam?"

"How could I forget? Worst day of my schooling life"

"Well remember we made a drunken promise that we'll go swimming naked at the beach one day" I laugh and recall the memory. Young Severus had snuck some firewiskey into the Slytherin dorms. Suddenly you realize that life is too short, having nearly loosing a brother, to have regrets.  

"You know lets go" you say flashing Severus a cheeky smile.

"What? Right now?" he says, in shock. 

"Right now"

Your Love (Severus Snape X Reader) (IN EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now