Chapter Eleven - Seafood

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"The Caesar salads?" Desmond responded to the waiter.

"Severus are you ok?" he was looking at the ground.

"Yes, just that table just ordered some sort of fish" he looked over at the table and quickly averted his eyes.

"Do you want to leave?" I asked him. He looked really sick.

"No, I'm fine" he really didn't look fine. I took a small vile out of my bag.

"Hey guys look at that fish in the tank" everyone looked away and I slipped some potion into Severus' cup.

"What was that?" he whispered.

"You're the potions master here. It's a relaxing potion" you say.

"Thank you (Y/N)"

"You're welcome but I don't know if it will help" I said.

"Your hair is a little messy" I say looking at Severus' disheveled hair. I reach up and slick back his hair.

"Thanks" he kissed my cheek. Our food came and the waiter gave us two plates.

"Let's eat guys" said Desmond. I looked down at the plate.

"Looks good right? I asked Severus.

"Yeah, what's that?"

"I think it's avocado spread. Here open your mouth" I spread some onto the Turkish bread and put it in his mouth.

"It's nice" he said with his mouth still full. You giggled at him. He never realized when he did it. Everyone enjoyed their food for a good half an hour when a table across us ordered a seafood platter. The smell was very strong, especially to Severus.

"(Y/N), I feel sick" he says.

"Yeah, I've been seeing you feel sick for a while now" I stand up and put your hand on his back. He stands up and follows you.

"We'll be back, he just wants some air" I say only to see Severus already heading for the door. Shit. You hurry behind him and out the door. You found him just next to the gas tanks next to the restaurant, hurling up his food. You walk up behind him and rub his back.

"It's ok sweetie, better out than" I text Desmond telling him that Severus was ill and you were taking him home. Desmond came outside asking if you wanted him to drive both of you home but I said we'll just get a cab, plus I don't think Severus would be in the mood to apparate. I call a cab and wait. I turn my attention back to Severus, who had finished vomiting.

"Here" I hand him a bottle of water.

"Thanks" he barely gets out. He drinks more than half of the bottle. Thankfully he didn't get any vomit on his clothes.

"I'm so sorry (Y/N)"

"What for dear?"

"I ruined our first night night here" he looked at me with a guilty look, then looked at the ground, not wanting to make eye contact with me.

"That's not true and it's not your fault you got sick" I grab his arm and comfort him.

"Don't get too close. I stink" he says moving away.

"Hey, I'm here for you, always" I give him more water and a mint.

"Remember that time I was really sick, you were there for me" I said smiling at him.

"Yes but that was different. We thought you were pregnant"


~Winter, Seventh Year~

I held on to the toilet bowl as all my breakfast poured into it. Uh great sick. During the middle of school. I stood up and flushed the toilet. Luckily, no one was around in the lavatory. Well duh it was third period. I walked out of the toilet and headed to the sink. I looked like crap. My (H/C) hair was messy. My eyeliner was smudged. I felt gross and I was so tired. I rinsed out my mouth and washed my hands. I decided not to go back to class and I walked out of the bathroom. I walked towards the Slytherin common room. I walked through the portrait, only to see someone sitting on the green couch.

"Severus?" he turned around. He walked towards me.

"Where have you been?! I saw you at breakfast and you said I'll meet you at Potions" he asked hugging me.

"Please don't get too close, I just threw up" I backed away a little.

"Wait what? Are you ok?" he looked at you.

"Yeah, I don't know whats wrong" after I said this, he put his hand on my forehand.

"You have a fever" he pulled you into a hug and rubbed your back. My hot face met with Severus' cool robe.

"Here" he put his hands on my robe and took it off.

"Hey, I think I have to sit down. I feel dizzy" I get light headed and stumble into Severus.

"Hey, come on" he holds me to the couch, and holds my hand.

"I'm fine Severus" you said, trying not to concern him.

"No, no you're not (Y/N)" he looked at me. I was holding my stomach from cramps.

"(Y/N) are you in pain?" he asked looking at my stomach.

"Yes" I couldn't lie anymore, the pain was overwhelming. I look up at Severus, who has a scared look on his face.

"(Y/N) could you be pregnant?" my heart stopped. I didn't even think about it. I looked at him. I felt tears coming to my eyes.

"I-I don't know" I felt the tears rolling down my face. I was on potion but it wasn't 100% guaranteed to prevent pregnancy. I looked at Severus, who I expected to be angry but instead was also in tears.

"Are you angry Severus, do you hate me?" I asked him.

"(Y/N), I'm not angry at you and you know I don't hate you, I love you" he paused for a minute.

"Especially when you could be carrying my child"

Your Love (Severus Snape X Reader) (IN EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now