Chapter Six - Approval

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A/N: Hi everyone! Thanks for reading so far, I hope you like this next chapter and  promise we definitely will meet the family very soon. Any comments, feedback or votes are very appreciated! enjoy xx

Severus looked like he was about to throw up. He was scared at the sound of a new voice. A voice of someone who he needed approval of, or more so wanted the approval of.

"Hi Mom" I reply.

"Dear, we were wondering how long until you and Severus get here" she replied.

"Still about an hour mom"

"Ok, dear just making sure everything is alright. Is Severus ok?" She pronounced his name awkwardly, like she was a 1st year reading a difficult word to the class.

"Um, yes he's fine" I say, lying. I looked over at the nerve shaken man.

"Ok, please call us if anything goes wrong. Tell Severus we can't wait to meet him" I looked at him and he gave an awkward smile, as if your mother was actually there. I hear some yelling in the background.

"Mom, what's the sound in the background?" I question.

"Oh yes, your brother Damien believes that Desmond has cheated at poker. Here listen: "You cheated! How else would you have won?" I hear an older voice say.

"Maybe, just maybe Damien, I'm better than you" He says dripping with pride.

"Why you twisted little motherf-"

"Ok I think that's enough, we'll see you soon (Y/N)"

"Bye mom, and please make sure they don't kill each other, I want Severus to see them alive" I smile at the dark haired man in my passenger seat.

"No promises" Mom hangs up. 

"You're looking forward to me meeting them?" he asks me, gulping.

"Of course I am, they should meet the man I love" He was a little embarrassed at me openly saying this.

"Especially Desmond"

"Why? Does he happen to be a potions teacher on the side?"

"No, but he works at the ministry"

"Wait what?!?" I turn to look at a confused Severus before turning back to the road.

"He's a wizard too" I add.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

"I forgot I guess, and his wife Elise is also a witch"

"Its's a big detail to forget. Wait, what about Damien?"

"He's a muggle. Oh merlin, I remember the day I got my Hogwarts letter. He was so jealous that both of his siblings had magical blood"

"Did Desmond attend Hogwarts?"

"No, he was offered but he declined. He had his heart set on Durmstrang"

"Not to be rude, but don't they only take on student who are from Pure-Blood families?" I smile at this, to Severus' surprise.

"Yes, but they made an exception to him, because of his artistic abilities. He also showed great understanding and fondness of Dark Arts Studies. Elise also studied at Beauxbatons, and this is how she met Desmond, threw socials that the schools held together"

"Dark Arts?" Severus put his arm over the scar where his mark used to be. I put my hand over his.

"It's in the past Severus, you did what you had to" He didn't respond, but changed the topic.

"So he works at the ministry?"

"He's a Dark Arts Investigator, he helps Aurors when they are working on cases"

"That's interesting"

"Yes, I've never introduced him to you before because I wanted you to meet my family together"

"That's understandable" he says to me.

"Oh that reminds me, what are you going to say as your profession? You can hardly tell them you're a Potions Master, of course you can tell Desmond and Elise but not the other two"

"I-I don't know. What should I tell them?"

"Tell them your a Dentist"

"You mean the people who play around with your teeth?" He put his hand to his jaw.

"Yes, they'll buy it, just try not to bring it up in conversations" I stop the car on the side of the road.

"(Y/N)? Is something wrong?"

"No, I just want to show you something" he looks suspicious. I get out of the car and come to Severus' side of the car. I open the door and grab his hand. I walk of the road and toward a pathway winding down a messy collection of trees. It leads to a beautiful beach.

"What's this?" he says confused. The sun was just setting over the water and the waves were shining and glittering against the soft, moist sand.

"It's beautiful, much like yourself (Y/N)" Severus says looking at the sunset, then to me.

"Severus, I brought you here because when I was younger, I'd always imagine myself walking down the beach arm in arm with my prince charming. Of course when I met you, I didn't see you as my knight is shining amour at first but now as I've seen you become the man that stands before me today I realize, that you mean everything to me" I say to him wrapping my left arm around him.

"The waves never stop kissing the shore, just like how I will never stop loving you (Y/N)" he said putting his arm around me. You share a soft embrace with Severus and turn to him. He kisses me softly, yet full of love.

"I love you, (Y/N)" Severus says, passionately.

"I love you too" I tell him for what feels like the 1000th time.

Your Love (Severus Snape X Reader) (IN EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now