Story of a young girl

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Chapter 1

I walked up to my door, reaching into my pocket to grab my keys. When I got to it I realised it was slightly open. “Is anyone home?” I said as I pushed the door forward. As it creaked open I saw suitcases and boxes filled with all our stuff. “Why are you packing our things?” I stood in the doorway and dropped my bags. My mother stood up and wiped her brow with the back of her hand.

“We’re moving in with Rob.” She smiled as though it was a good thing. “Don’t stand there gawking then come and help me put the cutlery away” She got a new box, scribbled down something on it and chucked it over to me.

“No!” I dropped the box and ran to my room.

“Zoe, don’t be like this, not today!” Mother called after me. Rob was an OK guy but I don’t think he is right for my mother. He is always too committed to work I only get to see him on the weekends; my mother is more of a stay at home kind of parent.

“Why do we have to move in with him? Why can’t he move in with us? He only lives on the next street!” I murmured into my pillow, tears streaming down my face. I grew up in this house I have good memories, great memories, especially of my dad. He died when I was 8, only five years ago but it still really hurts, not a physical pain but an emotional pain. Sometimes it hurts more than a physical pain.

My mother walked into my room, she sat down beside me and stroked my hair. “I still miss him” She whispered.

“Me too” I sniffled and hugged her “Wish he was still here” She nodded.

“You’ll get used to Rob though won’t you?” She asked it was more of a rhetorical question. I sighed and started sorting out my clothes.

Rob pulled up to our house in a big mover’s truck. “All ready?” He asked giving my mother a hug and slightly kissing her on her cheek. I rolled my eyes and went and sat in the car. I was certainly not ready.

My mother pulled up to my grandma’s house. “What are we doing here?” I asked confused.

“You need to finish your last day of school tomorrow, say goodbye to your friends. Then we will set off to Rob’s new house”

“NEW! Where about is it?!” I screamed at my mother.

“Not that far. It’s only in new jersey, calm down” My mother sighed.

“ONLY NEW JERSEY!  ONLY FREAKING NEW JERSEY!” I screamed in the car for about five minutes, I’m surprised I had enough breath.

“Shut up screaming!” Mother yelled at me.

“Why?” I asked with a face like thunder.

“You look at me like that again and you’ll be grounded!” She pointed at me; I was never going to win this. I was leaving my perfectly fine home and moving to a new house and worst of all I’ll be living with Rob.

“I never see Rob anyways, only on the weekends!” I complained.

“You’ll spend more time with him. He’s only working every other day now, that’s why we have to move. It’s not that bad you’ll make new friends.” Mother tried to reason with me.

“But I don’t want new friends I want MY friends!” I cried slamming the car door. Running into my Grandmas house I smelt the sweet air of freshly made cookies, it smells like that at her house she always bakes. I ran up to her tears in my eyes. I had just realised we would be moving to a place with no relatives, no one we knew so we’ll be strangers to everyone. “I’m really going to miss you” a tear broke from my eye and ran down my face. That’s the worst thing that’s going to happen not seeing my family anymore, probably only for birthdays and weddings but that’s about it. She nodded and patted my back.

Story of a young girlWhere stories live. Discover now