Chapter .4.

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Chapter 4

I walked back into Cody’s house with a gleaming smile on my face. I was still thinking of Harry. Alisa came up to me cocking her head.

“Why are you so happy?” She smiled

“Nothing in particular. Apart from the fact I still have a massive crush on Harry and I don’t know how to stop thinking about him. I probably sound pathetic and desperate, don’t I?” I put my hand on the top of my head in confusion.

“No, you’re not pathetic. I feel the same.” She turned to look at Lee.

“See anyone, perhaps in your league that you like Zoe?” Cody laughed.

“Yes, as a matter of fact I have.” I smiled smugly.

“You going to tell me who?” Oh, yeah. I’ll just tell my worst enemy who I like and that it happens to be her boyfriend. Obviously I was being sarcastic, was she mad?

“Alisa, want to go home?” I asked trying to make it look like I was ignoring Cody, she didn’t look too happy. Alisa nodded and followed me to the door.

“Are you leaving already, it’s still really early?” Lee said running to catch us up.

“Yeah, this party sucks!” Alisa said before I had the chance.

“Early? It’s 10 o’clock, I know I sound weird saying that but it is quite late.” I wasn’t staying at this party another second. As Alisa said it sucked!

“I’ll come with you; I don’t think Harry will be too bothered if I go. Cody will keep him entertain him.” Lee walked out the door first.

“Where do you live?” I asked Lee.

“Five houses up from yours.” I never knew he lived so close. I kept edging Alisa closer and closer to Lee. But every time I moved her closer Lee moved away. I finally gave up when we got to Alisa’s house.

“I’ll call for you tomorrow.” Alisa said, she gave me a hug and ran up her driveway. Lee and I carried on up the street.

“Who won the fight?” Lee asked putting his hands in his pockets.

“I think it was a draw.” I said sounding unsure. Lee started giggling.

“Did Harry hit you?” I chuckled a little bit.

“No, do you see a bruise?” I pointed to myself. “He did try and hit me though, when I started badmouthing Cody.” I was remembering the moment when I fell on top of Harry because of my amazing karate moves that went wrong, I tripped over the end of the sidewalk, the side was just like a normal concrete sidewalk but when you fall it feels quite slow. Luckily Lee was really helpful and caught me. “Thank you so much, it felt like my life was flashing before my eyes!” I may have over-reacted a bit, but I’m a girl I’m aloud to.

“You’re welcome; perhaps you should be more careful!” He chuckled.

“I’ll try to be.” I rolled my eyes.

“Want me to walk you up to your door? It’s no biggie.” Lee shrugged.

“Yeah that would be nice.” I smiled. Lee linked arms with me. “What are you doing?”

“Just in case you decide to test gravity again!” I slid my arm from his. When we reached my door I turned to face Lee.

“Thanks. I thought you’d like to know Alisa is going to get all of Cody’s gossip.” He’s got to know that Alisa is on our side and not on Cody’s.

I opened my door and with a last wave goodbye closed the door on Lee.

“Who was that?” I gasped and grabbed my chest.

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