Chapter .7.

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Chapter 7

The drive was really tiring. Abby wanted to play I-spy, she’s thirteen not three. When we pulled up to my grandma’s house, before the car even stopped I opened the door and dove out. I ran onto her porch where she was stood waiting. I felt tears rolling over my cheeks as I wrapped my arms around her. I had missed her so much.

I couldn’t manage a word out I was just so happy. My grandma split up the hug and wiped away my tears. “Lovely to see you again, I’ve missed you so much.” She smiled.

Mother and I filled grandma in on the new house, the town and my school. After about two hours Abby came around.

“Do you want to come to the park with me?”

I nodded. We walked down my old street, I tried not to look at the house in which I grew up it, but it was too hard. As soon as I looked at it I instantly regretted it. I felt one tear rolling down my face; I instantly wiped it away hoping Abby didn’t see me.

When we reached the park I saw Emma with the popular crew sat on the swings. She turned her head in my direction and looked shocked. I walked over to her, acting as though Abby hadn’t told me the story abouther to see how she reacted.

“Hi Emma, long time no see.” I faked a sweet smile.

“Oh, my God Zoe!” She jumped off of the swing and walked up to me.

“Emma, like why are you saying ‘hi’ to that girl you always call a loser?” Darcy the really stupid blond girl said in an annoyingly high voice.

“I never say that about Zoe, it’s someone else I say it about.” Emma tried to defend herself.

“But you always say Zoe is like stupid.” That’s rich coming from her.

“I meant another Zoe.” Emma argued back.

“There’s no other Zoe.” I said. “And don’t give me all this ‘I never said that’ rubbish.” I mimicked her voice. “Abby has told me all about what you’ve done and said.”

Emma turned to the person who she really was. “OK, I admit it. I did say all those things and I do mean them. You’re a waist of space!” She yelled.

“Why should I waist my precious time on someone who’s fake! I could insult you, but it would be a shame to waist oxygen on someone who I couldn’t care less about.” I clicked my fingers and waited for a comeback. Emma was stood with her mouth hung open. “Close your mouth honey, you’ll catch flies.” I was still waiting for a comeback.

“Oh yeah, well you’re a … a… you’re…” she stammered then threw her hands up in the air and screamed she looked really frustrated.

I smiled in victory. She turned around and walked away with her little friends following her. I sarcastically waved my hand.

Abby hugged me. “That was amazing, where did you learn to fight like that?”

“At my school there’s this girl, who I suppose is a bit like Emma, sweet on the outside but inside she is the devil. I had to learn to be able to control myself and not knock her out.”

“What’s her name?” I was trying so hard to forget about her, coming here meant getting away from everyone.

“Cody Phillips.”

“I know her.” Abby replied smiling. How the heck did she know Cody and why was she smiling?

“How?” I asked shocked.

“Well, my mom used to go to school with her mom and they stayed friends. When I was seven she spent Christmas at my house.” Cody was her friend. Great!

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