Chapter .9.

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Chapter 9



First day back at school, I can’t believe I’m actually excited to be going back.

I ran downstairs and sat at the kitchen table with a smile on my face. I haven’t stopped smiling for three days. All I could think about was that kiss at the party. It felt magical.

“You’re way too happy this morning.” Ethan said sitting down opposite me. He looked so tired, probably because he’s been out every night for the past week.

“I actually got some sleep last night, that’s probably the reason.” I haven’t told anyone about what happened between me and Harry, not even Alisa.

I walked outside to see Lee and Alisa waiting at the bottom of my driveway.

“Are you ready for today?” Alisa asked. Lee scoffed.

“I need another day in bed, I’m so tired.” He sounded like a moaning little girl.


When we got to school Alisa had to go to the reception because she lost her timetable leaving me and Lee together.

“How were your last few days of freedom?” I asked a small smile on my face.

“They were cool, how were yours? Have you finally forgotten about Harry?” I stood silent for a minute. What was I going to do? What was I going to say? I chose not to answer and kept quiet.

“I’ll take that as a no then.” He sighed. I don’t see why he cared so much; it’s not hurting anyone if I like Harry.

“Why do you care so much if I like him? Does it really matter?”

“I suppose not.” He shrugged and walked away when he saw Ashton and Harry come through the front gate.

“Hey.” I turned around and saw a not very amused Cody.

“Hi?” I wasn’t sure if she was going to spark up a conversation with me or punch me. I kept my distance just in case.

“Why is your life so easy?” She asked me.

“What do you mean?” I laughed slightly feeling unsure on how to answer her.

“You have friends who care about you, a nice loving family and all the boys like you. What does it feel like to have a perfect life?”

“I assure you Cody I don’t have the perfect life, and no boys like me. The only boys I’ve even spoken to the whole time I’ve been here are Lee, Harry and a couple of their friends.” She raised an eyebrow at me and smirked.

“And you don’t think they flirt with you, or like you in anyway?”

“No. Why would they? Has someone told you that they like my?” I was only hoping for one of them the truly like me: Harry.

Before she could answer Alisa came running up to us. She gave Cody a dirty look and she walked away.

“Was she being mean to you?” Alisa asked.

“No, it was weird. She asked me what it was like to have an easy life.” I scrunched my eyebrows together in confusion.

“Why would she say that?”

“I don’t know, but she told me that boys like me. I don’t care I didn’t really listen.” I shrugged.

“Boys do like you.” Alisa said. I stopped walking and looked at her in shock.

Story of a young girlWhere stories live. Discover now