4. Replacement

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I can't believe I actually got into Hollywood Undead. I plan on leaving American Idol though, I was completely happy, but Emily was worrying me. Caitlin told me Aron use to abuse her and I think he does. I can't believe I'm his replacement😂👌🏽. I think it's dope, Damn I wish I didn't leave Emily though, we just stopped hanging out when Reese came along I guess. I can't wait to show her the ring I bought her💕. I use to have a little crush on Emily, I thought she was the most beautiful girl ever, that she was unique and fun in her own way. She wasn't like anyone else I know. But she grew up, she wasn't herself anymore. That spark in her is gone and I think Aron killed that. He was a complete jerk, I never really liked him. I was sitting on the couch and Reese came home. "Hey babe" I greeted her. "Hey". I walked to her and gave her a quick kiss. She smiled, "how was your day?" I asked "Amazing, how about yours?" She asked knowing I had a meeting today..."I'm in" she squealed. "That's Awesome Danny! I also have some very important news to tell you" she said looking at her tummy. Shit. "Yeah" I asked. " Daniel, oh my god. We're going to have a little family" I froze, and just stared at Theresa in amazement. "Im going to be a dad?" She nodded and I pulled her into An embrace. She started crying. "I didn't think you'd want it, I thought you'd leave me. I knew that you wouldn't though, it was just my thoughts bugging me". "Baby, you know I'd never leave you. I love you so much Theresa and I'm never going to leave you and our baby." I got into one knee."Theresa, Will you Marry me" I wasn't planning on telling her right now but it was the perfect moment. "Yes, I'll marry you!" She broke into tears. (I know this isn't how he proposed but hey whatever it's my book! And it's just a fan fic) I pulled her into another Embrace. "I love you"..."i love you so much Danny"...
"I know I'm not perfect, I have my problems. But I promise you that I will always love you and our baby"
I'm so happy for Danny, he got what he wanted. I sat in my room, waiting for the boys to get back from the studio. All of a sudden Caitlin called me, "OH MY GOD EM! Danny proposed to Theresa and they want us all to go to dinner with them tonight so get ready!!!" I was surprised. I knew Danny really loved Her and I was happy. "That's great! I'm so happy for them" I kind of lied. "Yeah get dressed up really pretty okay?" I told her ok and hung up. I got up and stripped down to nothing, I grabbed a towel and jumped into the shower. I pulled my arm up to my chest and looked at the cuts on my arm. I sighed, I shampooed and conditioned my hair. I washed up and jumped out. I wrapped a towel around my body and went to search for a dress in my closet. I only had a few dresses, they were mostly short sleeved from when I didn't have scars. So instead, I pulled out a box that my mom bought me for Christmas two years ago. I opened it and there laid a long sleeved dress that went to about mid thigh. It was this beautiful black lace dress. The sleeves were lace and the breast, stomach, bum and part of my thighs were covered with black material under the lace. Other than that everything else was lace including The back. I put on a Choker with little charms connecting to chains. I dug through my closet and found a pair of black pumps. I got dressed and did my hair. I was ready🔥
I sat on my bed contemplating on wether or not I wanted to go, I sighed then got up from the bed. Danny asked for me to be there? Why? He knows that I use to have a crush on him, I wasn't very fond of Theresa either. After she came along, Danny stopped talking to me, he stopped hanging out with me, we just lost all contact. It's okay, I deserve every bad thing that has happened to me. I don't deserve an amazing person like Danny, or the guys. They should've left me for dead. It's all to much, I can't take this anymore, I don't know what to do.... I'm confused. But I promised Charlie and Dylan i wouldn't cut again, so I'm not going to. That's it, I'm stronger than this! If Danny's happy than I shouldn't be such a stuck up, bitch and hold him back. I sprayed my self with body mist once more before walking out the door and walking down the stairs.
A/N This chapter is Edited! I added on more to it, because I felt it needed more. Outfit in the Media Section Thingy.

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