10. Does everybody in the world Have to Die?

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We arrived at the hospital and went to Emily's room to see her in tears. I ran to her side, "what's wrong?" I ask soothingly. "It's my mom, she's really sick. She might not make it. I need to see her but they won't let me" she sobbed. I hugged her and she held on tight. "I'm sorry. I'm a fuck up, I tend to mess up everything good that happens to me. I ruin everything" she sniffled. "No, no. Please don't say that. It's not your fault, I use to feel the same way, you don't ruin everything" I said soothingly. I tried to calm her down, but I knew she would eventually need to let it all out. We sat like this for about 20 minutes. I didn't mind, because hey! This is my girlfriend, and she needs me right now. I went to get the boys to cheer her up. "Hey guys, Emily is really down right now. Her mom is really sick and might not make it, so let's try our best to cheer her up!" I told them.
"Sure thing!"
"Damn, LETS DO IT!"
"Let's roll"
They all replied. They all loved Emily like a little sister, it was great to see that from them. We went to get her treats and stuff that could make her happy.

Third Person-
Emily sat in her room chatting with Caitlin and Reese about what was going on with her mom. "Damn Emily. That sounds so horrible. I'm here if you need to talk to me" Reese had said. "Awe, thanks Theresa, it means so much to have you here." Em replied. Reese smiled. "Awe, I haven't seen you in so long Em. It's really good to see you, I missed you a lot. And I'm also here if you ever need anything, you know that" Caitlin told her. Emily gave her a slight smile. Danny quickly sent a text to Reese letting her know what they were planning and not to tell Em. Reese told Caitlin and they were both down for it...

We Searched through the candy isle, and the chips and pop isle. We grabbed a bunch of stuff, we also went to get her a pair of clothes, and other things she would need for when she gets out.
I didn't know if she could eat this stuff right now, but who cares?!
We were on our way back to the hospital. on our way up we were making a bunch of noise and we got told to keep quiet XD. We finally reached Emily's room, the door was closed. Once we opened it her eyes went wide, there was a big smile on her face..

After talking with Caitlin and Reese for a bit I felt much better. The nurse came and said I could go see my mum tomorrow. The guys have been gone for awhile, I wonder what their doing? I hope they didn't push it to hard with Aron. They could get in deep trouble and I don't want them too. Ughh.... I wonder where they are. Right at that moment, they walked in. Balloons, teddy bears, bags and so much more in their hands. My face lit up and my body was filled with happiness. "Those are for me. Aren't they?" I asked but quickly regretted because hey! Obviously! XD They all came and gave me hugs, "I love you guys to death!" I told them. "We love you too Emily!" Dylan replied. Ugh, besides all this other bullshit going on... The 8 people standing in this room make my life so much better! "We also brought you clothes, and other things you would need for when you get out" Jordon smiled at me. "Thank you guys so much. This means a lot to me." I told them all.
"No problem"
"I'm glad you liked it"
"We love you Em!"
"keep Smiling Em!"
They all replied, Jorel didn't say anything because he was laying beside me on this tiny little hospital bed. I stole a quick kiss on his cheek. He smiled. I loved his smile so much, it could light up anyone's day. Everyone was looking, I felt heat collecting in my cheeks. "It's getting pretty late, we should head back soon and let Emily get her Rest" Jordon told the crew XD. As we all said our goodbyes I gave them hugs. They promised to come back tomorrow, even Reese and Caitlin. "Once again, thank you guys so much! And know that I love all of you to death!" I told them. I even hugged Reese. Soon after they left, everyone except for Jorel. He really wanted to stay, but he can only stay until 12 because he's my boyfriend. We laid together on that tiny little hospital bed for a while. Just cuddling, and silence. I really do love Jorel, he's the best Boyfriend any girl could ask for. My tiny little figure was wrapped around his. I was examining his body. The part that most caught my attention was his arm, because of the scars. I decided to ask him..
"J, why do you have scars all over your arm?" I quietly ask. He stayed silent. "Never mind" i continued to lay there in silence. I could tell I might have brought up something he didn't want to talk about, So I also stayed silent. It was almost 12AM, and he had to leave soon but I didn't want him to. "J, you have to leave soon. But I don't want you too" he turned over to face me, so I pouted. He smiled, "I don't want to leave either" he wrapped his arms around me. I was so tiny, I didn't understand why. My face was literally being smothered by his chest XP. I kind of pulled away, I looked at him deeply and kissed his lips. He was surprised but kissed back. "Then stay with me".

I gave myself feels writing that XD😂👌🏿 What do you think? I edited the first chapter and the second chapter... So yeah👌🏿. Sorry that the Point of View changes so much in this chapter XD. I decided to give you a little insight of everyone. Maybe the next few chapters I'll have more of the Guys P.O.V's.. Thank you Lovelies for all the support! Stay Strong! <3-Autumn Rose

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