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2011 © Sonia Bartlett


This story, "The Demon's Lover" including all chapters, prologues/epilogues, characters, places and associated content (i.e. fancies, teasers, and content within blogs, social networks, and eReaders) is copyright. All rights are reserved by the owner and creator of this work - Sonia Bartlett - and any unauthorized copying, broadcasting, manipulation, distribution, or selling of this work constitutes as an infringement of copyright. Any infringement of this copyright is punishable by law. Any links, brand names or otherwise copyrighted material is not this author's, and is not covered by this copyright. No copyright infringement intended.


In the beginning there were but two: God and Lucifer.

The two brothers worked side by side during the first days. From their efforts came the sun, the earth, and the animals. From the largest elephant to the smallest mouse, all of life came from the pair. Until God made the people.

Humans were his favorite. They were in a way his pets, yet he gifted them things he gave no other: food, family, companionship, but most precious of all: someone to love.

Outraged that his brother should stoop to levels so low as to give to his pets what they themselves could never have, Lucifer confronted God demanding he destroy his precious creations.

God refused and with that Lucifer declared war. If God would not kill off these creatures he would. Wary for his people, God banished Lucifer to the depths of the Earth while he, himself, remained above to watch and protect the humans.

Little did he know what Lucifer was planning...

Enraged that he should be thus treated by his own brother, Lucifer decided to cut all ties from his newly deemed unworthy brother. The first of which was his name. Originally meaning "light-bearer" or "day-star", he felt Lucifer was a mockery as he was confined where no light could ever reach. Choosing Satan, meaning "adversary" he acknowledged it was a fitting choice for, until the humans were completely destroyed, and perhaps even afterwards, that is what he would be towards his once beloved brother.

Unbeknownst to God, Satan also created his own pets. Demons. In mockery of God's devotion to his people, the demons were mirror images of God's creations. Some were animals, some were identical to humans. Despite their similarities, these new creatures were made much differently.

Rather than being given everything to make them happy, Satan gave the Demons his own powers for they were created for one purpose and one purpose only: to destroy God's creatures, the ones they were modeled after.

Armed with inhuman cunning, stealth, strength and immortality the first of his demons was the snake. Satan ordered him to destroy the two humans and destroy them he did. Tempting Eve to eat the apple, he forever condemned them...but not entirely.

God was shocked at the knowledge that Satan had created his own army against his people. Fearing for them as he was forced to throw them from paradise, God gave Adam and Eve their own protection: technology like none has ever seen before. Fire, weapons: all to help where he could not, for he could not, in good faith, go directly against his own brother.

Satan was shocked at his creations. He had ordered the snake to kill Adam and Eve, but instead it had done something far worse: damned them all for life. For the first time Satan was forced to realize just what he had created: creatures smart enough not to just follow orders, but to put thought behind their actions and decisions.

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