Lover - Fourteen

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2011 © Sonia Bartlett ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

Chapter 14:

Despite his light breathing, Christian's panther's gait through the ever-darkening forest carried him faster than the jets whose trails criss-crossed over the dusky New York sky. He glanced left at the swiftly streamlined body whose fluid motions took his breath away.


Just looking at her made his heart swell... and other places as well. She was perfect. In her tiger form as she was, her supple, lean body leaped forward with every motion. Every sinew, every muscle working together to move with the maximum speed, maximum grace. The sleek black stripes contrasted so perfectly with her glossy white fur that Christian was almost jealous of anyone else who looked at her. She was a lithe goddess and he was lucky to have her love.

It was amazing, he mused, how so much could come to pass in so little time. When he'd met Serlina - had it only been a few months? - he was so caught up in Lukale, and killing humans, he saw nothing but. Now, though he hardly realized it, it was winter.

In the past three days, they'd traveled far enough above the equator that, from the always warm and sunny Vegas, snow was now threatening. It was already December, almost Christmas! Soon it would be the New Year. 2013.

Christian now looked forward to another year of life. Before it was almost dreaded, but now... Now he was focused on something different, something infinitely more pleasurable...

Stop staring at me, the amused voice came.

Stop being so damn pleasant to look at then, he replied now that the connection was open.

Serlina made husky noise that sounded remarkably like a tigerish chuckle. Only pleasant? she asked, pretending to be miffed.

Of course, what was I thinking? Gorgeous, angelic, the epitome of perfection - those are the compliments I should have been giving!

Serlina just laughed at that. You wouldn't know by her facial expression, but Christian knew her well enough to catch the mirth that shone in her sapphire eyes. How can you think a tiger is pretty?

 Easily, my dear, he replied. Because I'm a panther.

Stop now, he could have sworn her giggle, what will the others think if I suddenly collapse in laughter?

Christian just smiled. Laughter was hardly the emotion I'd hoped to induce. And in case you haven't noticed, darling, the others are easily twenty minutes behind us.

Christian was unaware as to why, but he delighted in calling her darling, and my dear. It was so unbelievably out of character for him, but when he was with Serlina, he wanted to be out of character. He wanted to be better than who he was. Even if, the morose thought slivered into his mind, he would always be the bad guy - the demon.

Suddenly Serlina came to a self-conscious halt. Oh, she muttered, still in her tiger form, I hadn't realized. Usually I keep pace with them, I'm not used to-

Someone who can keep up with you, Christian finished for her. Suddenly the saddening thought was replaced by a protective one.

She had nothing to be self-conscious about just because she was faster than the others. Besides that, Xenia was slower than Tylerand Cam so they matched her pace not Serlina's knowing Christian would there if anything happened.

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