Lover - Six

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2011 © Sonia Bartlett ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

Chapter 6

Christian thought he had never felt something as soft as Serlina’s lips. Soft, sweet and utterly beguiling they entranced him. Running his hands down the sides of her face, slowly down to her neck and shoulders tracing unseen patterns along the way, Christian was again assaulted by those electric shocks he had felt once before. The sweet sensations from their contact made his already overheated body boil.

Caught in the throes of shockingly unforeseen passion, thinking went out the window. All thought centered on the soft, warm, yielding female under him. The one who could turn his emotions from murderously angry, to nothing short of awe with a tilt of her lips, a flick of her hair.

Slowly he traced his hands down her sides, his mouth leaving hers to go on an exploration of her face. Trailing small kissed from her mouth over her cheekbone and beside her eyes. She shuddered beneath him, incapable of repressing it, not that she had the slightest desire to do so.

Placing a kiss behind her ear, Christian latched on to the delicate spot between her neck and shoulder sucking roughly on the skin. Serlina let out a gasp seeming to melt in his embrace. Christian made a low sound of pleasure in the back of his throat. Serlina’s arms trailed down his waist, her palms flattening against his skin as they made their way under his shirt, caressing his skin on her destructive path.

For, it was destructive. Under her hands every scruple, every restraint, every memory faded in Christian until all he saw, all he was, was hers and all that was left was the desire that raced through his veins like liquid fire.

Slowly, reluctantly, he drew back. Linking his fingers around her wrists he drew them off him, and looked into her eyes which were nothing but piercing blue pools of desire. He had the strangest feeling his looked awfully similar.

His hands still on her wrists, the electric impulses still flooding his system, begging him to take her back in his arms, he almost complied. Until she spoke.

“Christian,” she murmured hazily her mind still fuzzy with longing.

At that Christian stiffened, dropping her wrists and backing away from Serlina to sit down a few feet away, a harsh expression replacing the yearning hunger of moments before.

“Christian?” she asked sitting up, her voice questioning.

“Stop calling me that!” he hissed. No one had called him that for a very, very long time.

“Why not?” Serlina probed. “That is your name, is it not?”

“The last person,” he said harshly, “who called me that died two thousand years ago. It’s Diablo now, not Christian.” The Hemon family he had been taken in by had been the last ones to call him that. As for everyone else… well they knew him as Diablo and that was a reputation he kept ruthlessly in check.

“Why?” she asked flatly.

Christian was baffled. “What do you mean ‘why’?” he snarled. “Because I say so, that’s why!”

“Is that an order?” Serlina quizzed, eyebrow raised.

Hesitating because he had no idea where she was going with this, Christian replied quickly in a severe tone, “Yes! And I suggest you listen!”

Rising quickly in an effortless motion Serlina apparently shrugged off the kiss and everything that happened since it by saying, “Then it’s a good thing I never listen to orders, now isn’t it?” Then she walked off to where all the rubble had settled over the doorway.

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