Lover - Fifteen

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2011 © Sonia Bartlett ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

Chapter 15

Jumping into ice cold water was the single last thing Serlina felt like doing, but she knew there was no other option. Hardening her resolve she ran to the edge of the cliff, her muscles bunching beneath her fur, and pushed off with all her strength, shooting out so far it looked as if she was soaring away from the ground rather than propelling herself downwards.

Taking a deep breath she angled her body into an arrow shaped dive. A moment later she cleanly sliced through the water, sinking several feet due to both her size and her momentum.

The freezing chill of the water clawed at her, made it nearly impossible to breath. Shaking her head in frustration, Serlina lunged upward, stroke after difficult stroke, until she finally broke the surface, gasping in a breath.

Blinking blearily, she jumped in surprise when four bodies plunged underwater a moment later. Giving them time to catch up, she concentrated on steadying her breathing while they resurfaced.

Christian was the first, naturally, and he worriedly glanced her over. It warmed Serlina's heart to know he was so concerned about her. She knew he was unused to caring about anyone, including himself, but Lukale.

And now she would take care of that, when they saved him. Satan would be a formidable opponent, but with Christian's help they could do anything.

With renewed vigor she gestured ahead to the recently surfaced shifters. Horseshoe Falls was a few hundred feet away, and already she could feel the pull trying to drag her large body under.

Refusing to give in, Serlina forced her sodden body forward, closely followed by the other three. Slowly making progress, they reached the falls to the left-hand side.

Try to get under from the side. It's impossible from the front, the downward pull from the falls is just too much if you get any closer. It'll drag us under.

So saying, Serlina dived under the edge of the falls. Only, she hadn't anticipated her body's tiredness. She hand't pushed off with enough force to land in, and she was forced further and further toward the middle of the falls. The pounding water and the ice chips it carried with it froze her where she was, dragging her underwater with the current.

No! The sudden voice came in her head as if from a very far distance.

Serlina struggled desperately, as she watched Xenia being dragged down further and further - and even worse, Serlina, herself, along with her. She couldn't get her muscles to move. They'd frozen in protest of the harsh treatment of only a few hours earlier.

Everything was cold, wet, and harsh, and Serlina closed her eyes against it all... maybe she could will herself to float, will herself to get rid of the burning intensity that clawed up her throat from lack of oxygen... But then again, her will seemed dangerously weak.

No! Came the voice again, Serlina! Wake up. Open your eyes, dammit! Hazily, she complied, only to see a night-colored panther's gray-blue eyes boring into hers desperately.

Okay, she thought back wearily.

Good, the relieved voice of Christian came. Now shift back.

But -

Serlina! I can't pull you up you in your tiger form. The drag from the falls is too much. Serlina still hesitated.

Now! Christian snarled in desperation.

The burning in her throat, the sheer agony in her body, the freezing sensation forced her to comply. Clearing her mind of every pain in her body, she slowly shifted back into her human form, only to be completely unprotected from the freezing water.

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