Lover - Twelve

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2011 © Sonia Bartlett ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

Chapter 12

Christian stared down at the gorgeous body softly sleeping in the huge king-sized bed and knew he had finally found everything he had ever wanted. He had finally come home.

Her soft sloping jawline, that stubborn chin... paired with the most amazing eyes and that tousled hair - perfection in it's simplest form. The sheets were torn from the bed, evidence of a rough night. The dark smudges below her eyes disturbed Christian. She had not been sleeping well?

Since he had left Xenia, he figured this might not be the case... but all these new feelings and emotions were strange for Christian. Hell, any emotion was strange for him! Save perhaps anger, or frustration.

As much as he had tried resisting it, he knew he would eventually give in to the pull to see her once more so he saved himself time and allowed his instincts to take over. And they, unsurprisingly, took him straight here.

It had been two weeks since he'd last seen her. Two weeks too long. Giving into temptation, he closed the ajar door behind him soundlessly. The sweet scent of her skin had drawn him right to her, and opening locked doors was child's play to someone as determined as Christian.

Walking up to her prone body, Christian mused how very soft and vulnerable she looked right this moment. A soft look came over his face as he reached down and trailed a finger down her cheekbone. Tenderly, he traced the outline of her lips.

Her eyelashes fluttered and she blinked her large almond shaped eyes up at him in confusion. "Christian?" she murmured bemusedly.

"Yes," he breathed. And just because he couldn't resist he placed his lips down on hers. A soft sound pleasurable came from the back of her throat and just like that all restraint broke. Tearing the thin sheet off her - he would keep her far warmer than it ever would - he covered her slight body with his larger, more muscular one.

Framing her face with his hands, he brushed his thumbs over her face as if trying to memorize exactly how soft, how unbelievably smooth the skin was. Nipping at her lip, he begged for an entrance she gladly gave. Plunging into an exploration of her mouth, he was unprepared as she drew her hands down his sides.

Caressing his chest through the material of his shirt, she set him on fire. Desperately wanting to feel those hands on his skin, he broke the kiss and, gasping, tore his shirt off, firing it across the room.

Placing her hands on his chest, he silently begged her to touch him. Obligingly, she smoothed her hands up over the muscled contours of his chest. Christian shuddered in pure pleasure at the feeling of those little sparks returning, reveling at their feeling.Tracing each and every line on his chest, she nearly drove him wild.

Unable to restrain himself any longer he put his hand to her breast, caressing it, and placed a kiss on her lips, barely glancing up to see her desire-drugged eyes before trailing kisses down her jaw and to that special spot he knew she loved between the shoulder and neck.

Swirling his tongue around it he latched on to a spot and suckled hard. He smiled as he felt her response when she wrapped her long, gorgeous legs around his waist and squeezed tight, her breathing suddenly getting harsher.

Fighting to restrain himself from taking her right then and there, he ran his hands down her side and started lifting her shirt.

Suddenly she froze.

In consternation, Christian drug his desire-hazed body a few inches back from hers. "What's wrong?" he rasped out, trying to catch his breath.

He could see her trying to fight her body's response, to deny it. But why? She refused to look into his eyes, which he knew were just as desire-laden as hers were a moment again. Resolutely, she untangled her legs from his and tried to push him off her.

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