Lover - Sixteen

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2011 © Sonia Bartlett ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

Chapter 16

Christian stared at the slight, dark-haired girl in total shock. It was impossible, simply impossible. There was no way this slight weakling of a girl was Satan's daughter!

"No!" Cam's voice came, full of betrayal and horror as Xenia broke from his hold and walked toward Satan who welcomed her with open arms.

"How could you, Xenia?" he begged. Xenia turned to face Cam, a sadness in her eyes before she quickly dispelled it only to show a steely uncaring.

"I don't know what you mean, Cam," she stated coldly. "I was only following my father's instructions."

"Which were?" Christian's voice had finally unfrozen, and his tones vied with Xenia's for coldness. How dared she betray them all like this? Pretend like it was nothing but a trap.

"To kill the White One, naturally," came the mocking reply.

"You bitch," Cam's voice whispered. "I hate you." The sincerity in his voice made Xenia flinch, but she quickly hid it.

Christian's facial expression and eyes iced over.

"I thought you were the White One."

A tinkling, slightly forced laugh came. "My acting skills are adept, Christian. When they found me, pretending to be her and going along with your ridiculous notion brought me straight where I needed to be."

She gestured to the right of Christian. "Directly to the White One's side."

And suddenly it all clicked. If the five thought they were shocked before, this information threw shock-waves at them that threatened to devastate them all completely.

Serlina? She meant Serlina? Christian looked dead into her eyes as she stood barely a foot away from him. She was magical, surely. But the White One?

"Impossible," Serlina breathed.

"No so impossible," Satan's cold voice came. "When my daughter couldn't get to you alone, she knew the best option was to bring you here and let me finish you off for good." Then why had she been delaying? Why pretend she couldn't swim, when she was so obviously bursting with energy now?

Through all the chaotic feelings, one true emotion rose strong: fierce protectiveness. Xenia would have a hell of a fight on her hands if she, or Satan for that matter, dared to come after Serlina. Just in case, though, Christian glanced over to Serlina, dragging her limp in shock body into the crook of his arm.

His stance was ready to bolt in any direction as he analysed all the options. The way Satan had come in was hidden behind a corner, and the only other option he could see to get out was the collapsed ceiling twenty feet above them. That was no option at all. All he could do was keep them talking until he figured a weakness out.

"Of course she's the White One. She led me right here to you. To Lukale. Who else could have convinced me humans hadn't captured him?"

"Humans!" Satan rasped, "They should be so lucky to survive. They never could have captured him, not in a million lifetimes! Only I, his creator, could strip him of his powers long enough to imprison him here, and keep him that way for 2000 years!"

"And those humans were the reason why you threw your child into a cell, isn't it?" Cam's harsh voice seemed to fill the room with tangible bitterness. He'd been quiet so long, Christian feared that Xenia's betrayal had broken him once and for all, but with this empowered statement, he knew Cam's fury would keep him alive - for now.

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