Lover - Three

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2011 © Sonia Bartlett ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

Chapter 3

Serlina stared in amazement as the brooding man stalked though the doors outside into the cool night air. After all but dropping her to the floor he was leaving with naught but a curt nod? Shaking her head she turned to the door, her wobbly legs carrying her precariously to the door. Precarious steps caused by unknown, never before felt sensations, sensations that were oh-so-delicious but confused her so badly.

Shaking these thoughts from her head she opened the door and looked outside to find nothing. There was still the huge line with two bouncers, but there was no sight of the strange man with the grey-blue eyes who'd all but knocked her off her feet! Scanning the area again she was disappointed that she still hadn't caught sight of him.

Walking casually, if still slightly unsteadily, up to the two bouncers. Of the pair the one closest to her seemed more brawn that brains so sidling up to him she questioned prettily, "Excuse me, I was just wondering if you happened to remember a guy that just left?"

The bouncer looked down at her, saying patronizingly, "Ma'am, do you have any idea just how many hundreds of people come here every night? Let alone how many left recently?"

She looked up at him batting her lashes, playing the dumb blond. "But sir, he just left not a minute ago! Surely you'd remember?" She paused for effect. "I'd take it as a personal favor if you could...remember," she gazed up at him with huge, innocent eyes.

"Well now, little lady. That makes things different," he smirked down at her crudely. Privately disgusted by his manner she only blinked up at him, ever adoring. "Now let me see, gorgeous," he husked out trying to act enticing and failing miserably. "Just what did this guy look like?"

Putting a finger to her chin, Serlina pretended to think. "Well, he had dark hair-black-and grayish blue eyes. He was tall too. A few inches over your height I believe," she mocked faintly dragging a finger up his side causing his eyes to glaze over. The bouncer was a mere 5'10 and was only taller than her because his work boots had heels on them. Continuing before his slow mind caught up she went on, "A little on the tough side, wearing a suit. Did you remember him?" she whispered leaning closer.

Slowly shaking himself from his daze the bouncer paused to reflect on the description she'd given him. Then... "Oh, shit," he said a little loudly. "You don't mean Diablo, do you?" he said disgustedly. At the name the other bouncer's head flew in their direction so fast Serlina though she sensed a faint crack. Diablo, she thought. Was it possible? The other bouncer walked quickly in their direction before slapping the first one upside the head.

"What are you doing?" he whisper yelled.

Rubbing his head the first bouncer replied. "What did I do?"

"You know better than to go telling people we saw him here! And if you don't, you should!"

"What are you talking about? I don't even know the guy..."

"Well, I do. And trust me when I say he is not someone to cross." 

"I wasn't-"

"And now," the second one interrupted, "You've got both of our asses on the line, all for some blond chick! Do you know what happens when you cross him? Do you? You end up dead, that's what! You bloody moron...!"

Serlina didn't stick around much longer after that. The two bouncers were still going at it as she snuck back inside the club. Right now she had no doubt whatsoever in her mind that it was Christian that she had met at the door. Ahh, she thought, if I'd only known...

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