Chapter 6

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If I had a world of my own everything would be nonsense. Nothing would be what it is because everything would be what it isn't. And contrary wise what it is it wouldn't be and what it wouldn't be it would
You See?

I woke up to people screaming and my head pounding, not in a literally sense but in a I have a migraine sort of way. I sensed only two people in the room and it was Brett and Derek, I remember everything that had previously happened. I really did have a brother, a family, I wasn't truly alone. Just the thought of it alone makes my heart clench in happiness. My thoughts were abruptly stopped when a bright light was in my line of sight.

"Aghhhhh" I groaned in discomfort slowly opening my eyes.

" She's awake and seems perfectly healthy, besides the fact that every time I would try to touch her she would claw me."

I slowly open my eyes seeing a dark skinned man with dark brown eyes and no hair, I'm guessing he was the one who just made the remark about me clawing him, I look around and noticed I must have miscalculated the number of people in the room. Probably because I didn't know them, I was right about Brett and Derek, the guy who made the remark is a veterinarian . Which probably explains why I'm at an animal clinic somewhere in beacon hills.

"Where am I?" I try to speak but my voice comes out hoarse and it cracks towards the end.

"Safe." Derek says walking up to me holding my hand while helping me sit up.

"How long have I been unconscious."

"A week" Derek says with a straight face as if it's the most casual thing ever, he kinda reminds me of Levi from attack on titans (hehe your welcome) except a lot taller. By the look on my face you could probably tell I wasn't expecting that answer

"I apologize for his behavior he's always like that, I'm Dr.Alan Deaton but you can call me just Deaton." He continued " You obviously already know Brett, those two boys in the corner are Scott and stiles."

The one with tan skin and dark brown eyes gave me a warm smile and a "hello", while the other one they called "stiles" just looked at me weirdly and didn't say anything till Scott elbowed him.

"Oh....yah hi."

Derek seemed to be annoyed with stiles already even though he only said one word, Brett seemed to be the first one to snap out of his daze like stare as he briskly walked towards me. He grabbed my face in his two hands and smashed my lips against his out of nowhere. I don't know why but I couldn't push him away, even if I wanted to and I didn't. Brett put so much love into the kiss I was starting to get light headed, I slowly pulled away.

"What was that for." I breathed out

Brett ignored Derek glaring at the back of his head and finally spoke "baby girl I though I lost you for a second there, thank god I didn't.

Stiles coughed awkwardly behind him "you mean we didn't know she was gonna make it, don't be selfish."

  "Where are Sam, Dean, and Adam?" I asked my curiosity getting the better of me.

Derek growled at their names but answered my question anyways " They killed the witch and left, and thank god they did..... Oh yah and also, Brett get your hands off my sister or I will rip your throat out, with my teeth."

  Brett backed away from me against his own will while Derek, stiles and Scott walked towards me .

Stiles was the first one to get to me and started squishing my face and poking my cheeks. He seemed to be in awe.

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