Friends or Enemies:

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Anna's POV

Si refused to speak to me after that but I decided it was best to play it cool, I wasn't about to play to his tune.

Getting off the bus the next morning I spotted Abi sat at the front with Nicola they looked pretty engrossed in deep conversation. Not that I cared anyway I had plenty of other friends. It was just the strange smile on Abi's face when she saw me looking at them that threw me. It was a certain change from the state she was in last night when she turned up at my door hysterical and annoying. 

"You've got a nerve have you not?" Nicola spat. I turned to face her and shook my head cluelessly.

"What are you talking about?"

She rolled her eyes at me and laughed. 

"You and Si. Telling Abi you were nowhere near her boyfriend's house last night when I saw you there myself." Nicola said.

I scowled at her.

"So what is it to you?" I said shrugging my shoulders and closing my locker door whilst holding my english books in my left hand.

"Maybe the fact that Abi is my friend and I care about her unlike you." Nicola said.

"Whatever just keep out of it and mind your own business you nosy cowbag." I warned her walking away.

I wasn't bothered about her and I definately wasn't scared either.

"What's going on with you and Abi now?" Aimee jumped out of nowhere and made me gasp with surprise. She giggled sheepisly as I regained myself and smiled back up at her.

"Oh nothing much just her being as pathetic as ever." I shook it off not really wanting to discuss it with her.

Aimee looked hurt by my lack of interest in gossiping about my own personal business.

"Come we have lessons to get to." I linked my arm in hers thankful that Si was not in any of my morning lessons and together we made our way down the nearly empty halls to our classroom where the teacher, Mrs Evans was already starting the class lesson.

"Sorry we are late Miss, Aimee forgot her books so we had to go back for them." I lied through my teeth but she waved us off and we both stumbled into our seats trying hard not to laugh. Abi and Nicola were sitting together. Again. What a sad pathetic surprise that was. They both glared at us in unison like a pair of simease cats and that was it, I was in stitches and earned myself an unimpressed glare from Mrs Evans. 

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