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Marissa rose late after another restless night, unsure if she was in good spirits or confused spirits. Craig had told her to take the day off as it was Sunday, and her body had more than welcomed a few extra hours of sleep. Humming to herself she threw the covers back and dressed as quickly as she could, still a most cumbersome task.

"Good morning." She breezed around the corner of the stairs. "Sorry I slept so late." The mantel clock read after ten in the morning.

"Oh, Marissa, don't feel bad," Carolyn replied. "Mother told me about all the work you've been doing and how you cared for the men who were hurt in the accident. I am so impressed. Are you a doctor?"

"No," Marissa stated, perching on the settee facing the two women. "I've had some formal training though." Carolyn and Genie were sewing and she gestured to the silk in their hands. "What are you working on? That fabric is beautiful."

Carolyn and Genie shared a conspiratorial glance. "Well, with the ball coming up we knew you needed a dress."

Marissa gazed at the beautiful green fabric in amazement. "You mean..."

"It's for you!"

"I hope you don't mind," Carolyn continued, "but we had to reuse material from some older gowns."

"No, of course I don't mind." She couldn't stem the burn of tears. "Thank you. Why, why are you being so nice to me? You only just met me and, and..." Marissa couldn't find the words to finish her sentence.

Genie rose and came to her. "Marissa, you're family."

Looking into Genie's eyes she knew the other woman meant it. "Oh, Genie. Thank you so much!"

Genie winked with a bit of the devil in her eye. "Do you think Dr. Langston will like it?"

Marissa couldn't help but laugh, wiping the tears from her eyes.

"Mama," Carolyn drew their attention. "Speaking of Dr. Langston, I've been thinking, with Marissa working at the hospital nearly every day it doesn't make sense to drive back and forth. I think you and Marissa need to stay here indefinitely. Especially in light the mysterious man digging in your woods. Fredrick and Grace can take care of the house during the day and you can drive out every week or so to check on things."

"That would be wonderful Carolyn, thank you."

Marissa's light mood deflated with Genie's words. Over and over she'd blamed the man in the woods for thwarting any immediate attempts to get home. She crossed her arms in frustration. Being away from the farmhouse permanently would only stem further attempts to return to her time. She was thoroughly intrigued by the hospital and Craig. Every day spent in 1863 Charleston pulled her further from home and closer to heartbreak. It was high time she made a real effort to find that gateway back to where she belonged.

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