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Over the course of the next few days Deputy Rogers regained consciousness and strength and it looked as though he would make a full, if slow, recovery.

"Well, who shot him?" Genie asked, hands, as usual, planted on her hips.

"The sheriff still doesn't know," Craig replied, taking a sip of his so-called-coffee. "Jesus, Genie that's hot!"

"Doesn't know? Did Deputy Rogers not see the man?"

Craig just shrugged, pushing the mug of hot liquid away.

"It's not that bad," Marissa said, testing the contents of her own cup as she smiled at her tired husband.

"Then you drink it."

"Are the two of you even listening to me?"

"What?" The couple asked in unison.

"Oh." Craig shifted in his straight backed chair. "Genie, all Rogers knows is that he saw something in the woods and went over to check it out. It was black as pitch so all he saw was a muzzle flash, and the next thing he knew, he woke up two days later in the hospital."

"Damnation!" Genie slumped onto a chair and held her head in her hands. "What am I going to do? I can't go home because there is some madman cavorting about my woods shooting people!"

Rising, Marissa moved to her friend and wrapped sympathetic arms around her. "I know this is hard, but Sheriff Hudson and the other deputies will catch a break soon."

* * *

"I said I am coming with you." Marissa stood, arms folded, tapping her foot agitatedly. Men she thought.

"And I said you're staying home." Craig stood with equal adamancy before the door. "You need to stay home and rest."

"Why?" Marissa shot, showing no sign of backing down.

"Because," Craig was at a total loss. "Because I said so."

"Hah! You don't even have a good reason why I can't come." Because I said so, indeed.

Craig threw his hands up in the air. "I said you're not coming. You've only been feeling better for a few days and I just want you to rest. Please?" Attempting a change of tactics he looped his arms about her waist and pulled her close, cajoling. "What if I tell you it's doctor's orders?"

"I am not an invalid, and I'm bored. I don't care what you say or how much you beg I'm coming with you and that's final. That poor woman probably needs some good, old-fashioned girl-talk." Breaking out of his arms she stomped past him and threw over her shoulder. "Are you coming or not?"

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