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Life may not be perfect, but it's definitely better. Craig smiled as he headed home after making a house call. Marissa was miserable, well loved, but feeling wretched, sick, tired and was perpetually grumpy. One child may well be enough if we survive this ordeal, he thought. He'd finally convinced her to take a few days off and rest.

"Major Langston!"

Not yet used to the new distinction, it took a moment for him to answer the call. Turning, he spotted the sheriff hailing him from across the street. With a friendly greeting he crossed to speak with the lawman. "Problems, Sheriff?" he asked, noting the grim expression on the other man's face.

"As you know we've kept a constant watch over the Harris farm ever since the bodies of the transport detail turned up."

Craig nodded.

"The deputy I had posted out there last night never came back." A deep sense of dread settled into the pit of Craig's stomach and he shifted, crossing his arms as the sheriff continued. "I've got a few men rounded up to go looking for him and I was hoping you would ride out with us in case we find him injured. It can't hurt to have a doctor along and I wouldn't mind having another fast gun in the party in case we run into whoever is out in those woods."

"You've got it," Craig said at once. "Just let me run home to tell my wife and get my horse."

As he jogged the last couple of blocks to his townhouse his mind whirled with the news the sheriff had relayed. What had happened to the deputy? Was it a freak accident or something more sinister? With the other turmoil in his life he had given very little thought to the man in the Harris's woods, assuming he'd moved on when the law threatened to move in. Taking the stairs two at a time he burst through the front door and followed the sound of the piano to where his wife sat in the parlor.


She turned at the sound of his voice, the smile quickly fading from her face as she caught sight of his deadly serious expression. "Craig, what is it?"

"One of the deputies never came back from Genie's farm last night, and I need to ride out with the search party in case he's hurt."

"Oh, my God," Marissa clasped a hand to her breast. "I haven't thought about the woods in weeks!"

"I know." He kissed her gently before turning to mount the stairs. Quickly he strapped dual side arms about his waist. Descending the stairs, he grabbed his medical bag from a chair in the entryway and turned to Marissa once again. "I don't know how long this is going to take so don't worry about holding dinner for me, or waiting up. I promise to wake you when I get home. All right?"

"All right," she nodded, embracing him tightly with love and concern. "You look more like a gunfighter than a doctor just now. Be careful."

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