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Stretching aching muscles after yet another long, frustrating morning of surgery, with grievously wounded men dying even as he worked over them, Craig's mood was at its lowest ebb, or so he thought, until he found Major Bernstein waiting for him by the entrance of the operating room. "Could I have a word with you, Captain?"

Grudgingly, Craig followed his superior into his office where another man, a colonel, sat waiting. "This is Colonel Omar Briggs," Bernstein said. "He has new orders for you."

Craig waited, his heart beating slow and heavy. The Colonel stood and said, "In light of the speculation of your wife's involvement with the Union Army, we have decided it best to formally restrict you from duty until this matter has been settled."

"What!" Craig was incredulous. "This isn't true, sir, none of it!" He stalked angrily to the older man, fury roughening his voice. "Am I being charged with anything?"

"Not at this time, Captain. You have your orders." The colonel remained rigid and with apparent reluctance, returned the two crisp salutes before he did a perfect right about face and marched out the door.

Major Bernstein put a compassionate hand Craig's shoulder. "Craig, I don't like this either. I don't believe you or Mrs. Langston to be Union sympathizers, but until this matter is sorted out you're being restricted from duty. I have managed to keep you from being arrested for the time being, but lay low and be wary, son. I don't know where this is headed."

In lower tones he added. "Take advantage of this time to get your life back on track. I realize your foremost concerns are the allegations made against your wife, but you also have the mess with that Jamison girl to clean up."

Craig slammed an outraged palm upon the table. "You're making a huge mistake," he declared, storming from the building. Blowing through the blustery autumn streets he took careful note of the stares from those around him. He cringed when Kirsten Jamison stepped from a store to confront him.

"Hello, Craig. I still want an opportunity to speak with you."

"You have a lot of nerve," he growled at her.

Expertly, her pale eyes watered and she sniffed indignantly. "Craig, how can you say that? Do you have any idea how hard this is for me? I will be cast from society and my child shall have no name."

Stepping back Craig threw his arms out and said loudly, "That is no fault of mine, Miss Jamison, and I have no doubt the blame for the mess that is my life falls entirely on your shoulders." The temptation to make a deal with her flickered in the back of his mind. He wanted the whole of his problems to just go away. Stepping forward he ground out, "What is it you want?"

A small smile stretched across her lips. "Isn't it obvious?"

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