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The last days leading up to the wedding were a whirlwind. Not much for frilly, frou-frou parties, Marissa was only too happy to hand over all plans for the hasty wedding to Genie, Carolyn, and Ginny Long. While the bodies in the "haunted" woods proved an ungodly, unnerving revelation, she couldn't help but be lost in the bliss of the unconditional adoration Craig bestowed upon her. And there was something inexplicably fun about their precious secret. Thrilling was the word that came to mind. In the end Marissa had told neither Genie or Carolyn about the unplanned nuptials. Genie's eyes danced whenever she spoke of the wedding, and Marissa hadn't wanted to ruin her fun.

The only damper on her joy was being less than truthful with her husband about her past. Lying to the one person to whom she should be most honest preyed on her conscience.

* * *

Molly Jamison irritably elbowed the green pillow at the back of her chaise lounge. "I tell you, Kirsten, it is a damn, crying shame that Dr. Langston is getting married to that woman this coming weekend," she complained. "If you had played your cards as I told you to, it would have solved all of our problems."

Kirsten rolled her eyes. She didn't need to be reminded of the family's dwindling funds. "What would you have me do, Mother? I've done everything short of climb uninvited into the man's bed." She'd looked for every opportunity to catch Craig Langston in an even remotely compromised situation.

Molly sat forward. "What did you say?"

"You heard what I said, Mother."

"That's it!" Molly's eyes glowed with renewed energy as she abandoned her chaise. "You've solved it for us."

"Solved what? He is getting married in three days."

"But he isn't married yet." Molly paced about the room, clearly plotting. "Now," she said, turning back to her daughter, "here is what you are going to do."

Two hours later Kirsten swallowed a wave of unease and paused to stare up the steps of the hospital, stealing a glance over her shoulder. Her eyes flicked to the street corner in search of her mother, who'd set off to find Paul Christenson—the man hated the Langstons as much as the Jamisons coveted their money. Molly was gone. Kirsten knew that once she entered the hospital a specific chain of events would officially be set in motion, and there was no way to stop them. The plan her mother had concocted should work, but if it backfired... well, if it backfired Kirsten would be the one left to linger in the flames.

Putting a foot on the first step, she beat back doubts.

With the second step she thought, It is a good plan.

The third step. This will work.

And before she knew it she'd passed through the heavy door of the hospital and steeled her courage. No turning back. This was the moment when her future would be realized.

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