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Craig rushed with determination along the busy streets of Charleston. Of all the days to be unable to escape that infernal hospital it had to be today! Marissa had left in a variable huff near an hour ago and after their rather bizarre conversation he was near desperate to speak with her, and discover what the hell was going on.

He should have realized something was amiss after they'd made love, but he'd been too lost in his own bliss, too ecstatic to have won her, to recognize that even as she gave herself to him she was pulling away. Until now he'd never entertained the thought of not being with her. And now he couldn't stand it.

After reaching Carolyn Reed's house he took the stairs two at a time. "Is Marissa home?" he demanded before Carolyn managed to open the door more than a few inches.

Startled Carolyn shook her head. "No, I'm afraid she went out for a ride some time ago. But you're more than welcome to wait for her."

In total frustration he raked a hand through his hair. "No, I'll try back later. Thanks anyway." Turning on a heel he strode away deep in thought. So she'd gone for a ride? She should know better than to go off alone! Ridiculous as the accusations were she was a suspected Yankee spy, for Christ sake!

It took another fifteen minutes to retrieve his buckskin gelding, Jeb, and his outlook on the future grew bleaker by the second. Being with Marissa was better than anything he could have imagined, and to think of life without her... That life quite simply was not worth living.

He loved her.

He loved the way she stubbed her toe ten times a day, and the way her face flushed red when she swore about it. He loved the way she compulsively cleaned and organized and then reorganized everything. And he loved the fact he knew her well enough to recognize that most of her reorganization efforts happened when she was upset.

Turning up the dusty drive of the Harris farm Craig didn't immediately see Marissa. Carolyn's ancient bay grazed beneath a tree, that damned rooster was staring him down—really someone should just shoot the miserable creature and drop it in a stewpot—but the one he sought was nowhere to be seen. A rapid search of the house revealed no sign she'd been inside, and a quick surveillance of the grounds lent no clue as to her whereabouts. Grace and Fredrick must already be gone for the day as not even the older couple seemed to be around. Where could she be? Sweeping the gray cap of his head he raked a thoughtful hand through his hair, turning a slow circle about the front yard. The only place he hadn't searched was... the woods.

Would she really have ventured into those woods alone? Anxiously he glanced upward, nearly dark. The mysterious digger could be out there even now.

* * *

The woods were dark, forbidding, with an aura that screamed haunted. Mist curled around the trees and the air was so unnaturally still that Marissa jumped like a scared rabbit when a squirrel leapt from one branch to another. This was probably the stupidest thing she'd ever done, but it could be her one chance to get back home. The road back to television, a hot shower, and away from Craig...

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