chapter 7: sleep

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"They say I am the beauty and he is the beast, but personally, I think it's the other way around."
-source unknown
Dantes POV:

"Come on let's go before we have to have Kevin with us" I said, as I grabbed Anna and the hotels keys.
Anna giggled, like a little school girl, something was different about her, the entire drive, she was asleep,and she'd wake up randomly breathless & afraid, her brown eyes had speaks of red, when she had fallen asleep I had asked Michelle if that was normal, she said it was just a side effect of her not feeding on human blood nor animal. I'm not sure if I should be afraid since I do have her as a temporarily roommate, what she wakes up and decides to eat me?
'Nonsense! If she wanted to kill you, she already would have you in a plate, plus your injury set her back alot, her eyes were swirling with red when she was banding you up. Your blood is just affecting her, control. '
'So mystic voice in my head, what should I call you?'
'I don't know, call me something cool. Like Jake.'
'Jake the voice in my head..."I like it."
"What?," Ana said confused as she opened the hotel door.
"Uhm nothing nevermind."
I can't believe I said that outloud, "woah." I said in amazement the hotel room was huge and beautiful.
The colors of the room consisted of varies shades of brown, in the middle of the room there was a large bed a queen, on the right there was a reclining chair, in front of the bed was a large flat screen tv.
"I call the bed. Yesterday I slept on the chair, it's your turn to sleep on it, " Ana said.
"Why can't we both sleep in the bed? I'll sleep the opposite way of you,my head at your feet and you vice-versa."
"Because we are strangers and strangers aren't supposed to sleep on the same bed,"she replied.
"oh really what about one night stands?"
"Fine we can take turns first 2 hours I have the bed, next 2 I'll sleep in the chair." She said, as she sat down on the bed taking off her black High Top converse, and laying down.
"Great, the chair isn't a reclining chair, I'll just sleep on the floor." I muttered under my breath.
She turned off the light, and went to sleep, I laid on the floor with no blanket, or pillows, I shivered as the air conditioning turned on, making the room instantly cold. Something soft and heavy fell on my face, as I pulled it off I noticed it was a thin blanket and a pillow, quickly I wrapped it around me, and fell my self drift off into a light sleep.
(Anastasia's POV)

I was woken up, by the sound of teeth chattering, I groaned, ugh. Pathetic human, is cold I got up, grabbed his arm and pulled him up to the bed the best I could,God he was heavy. 6'2 weighing 300 something pounds, I pushed him onto the bed he's was halfway on, I stopped grabbed his legs and threw them onto the bed, what a heavy sleeper, I said as I grabbed the blanket & slept on the floor.
(Dante's POV )
I woke up sweaty, and hot, I looked around and noticed I was on the bed,I felt around and noticed Ana was on the floor, she kept shifting and moving around I could tell she was uncomfortable, I got up and picked her up, she was a lot warmer than the other day.
'I thought vampires are supposed to be cold?'
Yeah, and pale, but I guess not,I seriously need to have a talk with her, was she even a vampire?
As I put her on the bed she scooted closer to me,wrapping her arms and legs around my waist. I looked at her, her eyes where closed her breathing,was quick and steady, great I think its gonna be on of those nights again, as I tried pulling her off me she groaned,"I need to shower, I'm all sweaty I'll be back "I whispered. Her grip loosened, she turned around pulled the covers over her head.
After a 10 min shower, I went back to the bedroom, expecting to see Ana in bed, but she wasn't.
"Shit."I said as I felt the towel I had around my waist drop to the floor. Quickly I started to dress I threw on a pair of fadded blue jeans, and a white t-shirt, while putting on my black old converse I buckled my belt, and headed out the door. Luckily I was on the second floor, meaning I could see the whole parking lot, I checked if the SUV was still there, sure enough it was, I turned around and leaned on the rail, in frustration. 'Where is she??'
Suddenly, a pair of feet dangling off the hotel's roof caught my eye, along with puffs of smoke. I looked around trying to figure out how she got up there, I looked at the rail, then roof...rail...roof...rail...roof.
I climbed over the rail, reached up and pulled my self over the roof, pretty easy if you ask me.
"You know, if you looked in the back there was a stair case to come up here, you could have fallen on your back, and died."
"Well I was worried, and in a hurry to find you, you do know its 4 am?"I said as I walked over to her and sat on the edge of the roof.
"Yes, I know. "She said inhaling a little nub that was in between her fingers, letting out a big puff of smoke, it didn't smell like tobacco.
"Well uhm," scratching the back of my neck,"what are you doing up here?"
She turned facing me, I noticed the red speaks in her dark brown eyes were gone, flicking the nub onto the edge of the roof,"Do you want to see something cool?" Without waiting for an answer she got up and pulled out a sleek black lighter, her right hand hovered over the flame, she brought up her thumb and pointer finger, the flame in between in grabbing position, in a swift movement her two fingers came together, the flame going out with it. I looked at her face, her brown eyes boring into my blue almost green eyes,"Ready?" I nodded my head still not sure what she was doing,dropping the lighter, she gently blew onto her finger, while snapping a spark flew.
Snap...two more sparks.
Snap snap three more sparks.
Snap there was flame.
I felt my mouth drop as I witnessed the flame floating in her fingers, "how'd you do that?" I asked bewildered, she repeated it again, it was like watching the human torch superhero movie scene where he discovers his powers.
"Well its all part of being a vampire, you either get affinities/ powers,or you get nothing, mine just happens to be, telekinesis, which is pretty much being able to move things with the power of my mind.That explains how I can read minds, I can move brain waves to the point where I can hear your thoughts, & well the teleportation one I can't really explain that one, as it is very hard to do. Use's up too much of my energy, as well as making forcefields,also why I fainted the first night we met & why I get nose bleeds." I smiled at her little blab about her affinities, causing her face to flush lightly.
"Is there anything I should know about you?" She said.
"Well, I'm 23 years old, I'm in college studying business management, I also got a full ride, because I'm incredibly good a football, what else can I say oh yeah, I'm a ladies man." I said with a wink. "I don't know my parents, they gave me to the Grey family when I was 1 or 2 years old, they said they knew my parents closely, & that they loved me, but I don't know, if they really loved me, they wouldn't have given me away." I looked to the ground got up and took a deep breath,I felt Anastasia staring at me, clearing my throat I continued," they actually adopted Blake, but they kept his last name the same, I have 2 other siblings a sister in highschool, and my actual brother blood-related in highschool as well. I live in California, my foster parents if I can call them that, they inherited my parents money gave it to me bought me a house in Cali, which is really close to the university. Well yeah,I think we're in Colorado and I'm supposed to go and see them for thanksgiving and Christmas break.. Which is now I guess."I laughed who would of known about a week ago, I was in school living life, in college I had a hot girlfriend, a house, life was perfect I hadn't known about vampires or powers and I didn't have to sleep in hotels and constantly run. There was a deep comfortable silence, both of us off in our own little world, "wait if you can teleport why don't you just teleport Michelle and Kevin with you, off to where ever it is y'all need to be?"
She sighed, and looked onto the parking lot below,"I haven't quite mastered teleportation, and I can only do a certain amount of times, with a certain amount, like if I tried teleporting you, I'd either teleport you somewhere else or I'd only teleport your finger, it takes up a lot of energy, it very hard to do, I'm not fully grown yet either, I have to wait for 'the choosing'."
"What's the choosing?"
" Its a big ceremony, where vampires are graduated from being fresh blood to a full breed vampire, usually it happens when, he or she falls in love and finds there beloved and they complete there mating ritual kind of like a wedding, once that is complete you'll live happily ever after, the choosing is 2 parts;
The first part is falling in love, marriage & trading of the mark which involves sex and the pair have to bite each other or drink the others blood.
The second part is the hardest, it comes out of nowhere, you either get chosen to be the vampire of light or a vampire of darkness, so you get chosen whether your evil or good, it depends a lot on the things you've done, when your evil you can only feed on humans to survive,& the sun harms you, there's also a big religious thing that has to do with it, its really confusing, has a lot to do with your coven."
"What's a coven?"
She groaned in frustration, " its like a club of vampires, or as werewolves call it a pack, my coven just so happens to be the biggest of them all," she said matterfactly while she got up and walked to a big metal box thing, I think it was the air conditioner, pulling out a box of what seemed to be Marlboro cigarettes, only as she opened the box were fat rolled blunts, the more I stared at the box the more things I noticed, instead of Marlboro it said marijuana and it had the big plant on the front, I chuckled.
"What?" She said not amused.
"You smoke pot? "
"...Ever since the 1950s,haha just kidding,since this horrible curse became present I've learned that marijuana doesn't just make me high, but it helps me be in control."
"Here, you need to loosen up." She said as she handed me the fat blunt, inhaling the stuff (sorry I really don't know how to explain this in context) I felt myself feel the similar buzzing sensation, as I gave it back to her. This wasn't the first time I've gotten high, so I new how to keep my cool and not have a bad Trip, I couldn't help but look over at Anastasia, she looked so calm and collected she was a beautiful women, she had nice curves and long dark brown wavy hair, and almost black eyes hiding any pain or given emotion, with a beautiful gold tan skin, sensing I was staring at her, she looked at me and smiled, "you should be asleep, its almost five."
" I can't sleep without a bed time story mother, tell me about yourself." I said sarcastically as I sat next to her.
She chuckled, "since you insist, I guess I do know one bedtime story, its about a young girl & her family."
"Go on." I said as I laid my head on her lap & stretched my legs out letting them dangle on the edge of the air conditioner.
Story time!
"Once upon a time, there was a vampire king who had varies of mistresess (all vampire born), 4 to be exact, each one had a baby the king had 2 males & 3 girls all born on the same day, only by different mothers, Draco, Victor & Mary, Celeste, and last Crystal.
Unfortunately Draco's mother was killed during birth, the king said he was a bastard of a child, he would never let him rule, with that he sent Draco off and gave him away to one of the common, a welder & his wife.

Leaving Victor to be the next in line, along with his sisters, if they married of course.
Draco's lived a hard life , he learned the hard way, to controlling his gifts, many bulied him and called him a freak, he learned a lot about his abilities, many good & bad. Draco lived with a welder, before draco new it he became the best welder in town.
Everyone knew who he was, one day he fell in love, they had 2 little girls.
The first one was 14, Amelia she had her mothers blue eyes & dirty blonde straight hair, the next one was 8yrs old, with jet black hair and unruly curls,and dark brown eyes.
The lady died during child birth with the second little girl, she had told her husband to take great care of her two children, before she passed.
Although he tried to raise 2 little girls and maintain a good job, the littlest girl began to change, the 8 yr old at age 3 began to get the changes, she wouldn't eat, her eyes were changing, on the other hand Amelia was a normal little girl, no fangs nothing, draco became curious as to why his littlest daughter was growing faster than his oldest. One day he fell in love with a doctor, Draco had no choice but to turn the doctor, as she was the only one who understood the changes the little girl was going through, what Draco didn't know was that she was a witch, and she knew all about him being a royal, she used him, she made a spell to have him feel like she was his beloved, once she was turned she changed, when Draco left to work she tortured the little girl over and over, she was jealous she didn't have the same gifts as her.
One night Draco had a big fight with the witch, Amelia tried to reason with them to calm them down, but it only resulted in the witch casting a spell on Draco. Draco, grabbed both of his daughters and locked them out of the house in the woods,although Amelia was 14 she didn't understand what was with her father, that night draco made love to the witch.
The next day the father took the little girl, into the woods to the lake, it was dark too, he showed her all the beautiful things the birds, the deer's,he than picked her up and threw her into the lake.
Amelia, had followed them into the woods, and witnessed her father drown her little sister, amelia not knowing how to swim jumped in and managed to throw her out,'amelia no!'cried the little girl, as she witnessed her sister drown right after she saved her,& her father was nowhere in sight. The end. "

"Wow talk about plot twist, and that was sad, what happened to the little girl?" I said as I looked up, tears where in her eyes, she wanted to cry, but she didn't, there's more to this story & she's not telling me. I got up from her lap, and faced her.
She had a sadistic smile on her face, " not all stories have happy endings." Any sad emotion was now gone from her face.
"You okay?" I said as I grabbed her face forcing her to look at me, her big brown eyes locked with mine I felt myself feel a humming in my chest, something was pushing me towards her, I don't what it was whether her big luscious lips or her brown eyes. I liked my lips unknowingly, she bit hers, now in between her legs, I pulled her bottom lip with my thumb, as I inched closer, my lips brushed against hers, and I felt her shiver in my grasp, my lips brushed against her check as I whispered, " we can always change that.." A light smile appeared on her face, I leaned in and kissed her. She froze, she didn't kiss me back, she stood there wide eyed, frozen, she was shocked. God, what was I thinking?! Kissing her? Before I knew it her warm soft lips carresed my own, her arms wrapped around my neck and pushed me closer to her, leaving no space in between us. My hands now at her waist pulled her closer to my chest, I began to draw circles, teasing her sides, where her white tee rose. She squirmed in my grasp, nibbling on my bottom lip, slowly tugging on it. I groaned, and pulled her closer, her fingers roamed my hair, pulling lightly. I picked her up by her waist, and pushed her up against the wall, her legs wrapped around my torso, giving her height, and more access. I found my self gasping for air, as I pulled away, her brown eyes had the red specks in them, and she pulled me into another brief kiss, her lips traced my jawline all the way to my neck, nibbling and leaving a hot trail of kisses, down my shirt, her arms tugged at the bottom of my t-shirt,pulling it up slightly. Tension began to build up on my lower region, as I grabbed her waist, pushing her back onto the wall, my hand at her thigh rubbing it silently asking for permission, to roam. Her arms wrapped themselves back around my neck, as she placed her lips on mine, I grabbed at her ass, pulling her closer to me, picking her up once again I sat her onto the air conditioner, as I started to grind onto her, a light moan, escaped her lips, her breathing was harsh, as I kissed her neck.
She moaned loudly,"oh fuck." As I found her sweet spot and sucked on it, her grip on my neck tightened as she began to rub her self onto me, I groaned, as I felt myself get harder at her moans, her hand roamed my chest as she slipped my shirt up, she grabbed at my member through my jeans, my eyes widened at the bold movement, she pulled at my jeans and started to unbuckle my belt, when I heard a large metal door open.
We froze.

To be continued... (:

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