chapter 1: Road trip

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*Ring * *Ring* Went the bell indicating some one walked in the old run down gas station. As I made my way to the back of the store to grab a drink, it hit me the scent of fresh rain stopped me in my tracks.
"Hey Mark get some monster while your at it would ya?"said a deep husky voice behind me, surely to have panties droppin'. I turned my head only to see a mouthwatering man, sandy blonde hair about 6'2 broad shoulders perfectly chiseled face and bright green eyes,only to have his graze on me.
Woah ,there she's hot. I looked away regretting that I heard his thoughts. Felling his graze still on me I looked back at him and flashed him a friendly smile. Ugh, gosh he has a beautiful smile...wait what? No focus ana,you cant let a simple human distract you from your mission. Just as 'blondie' passed by me a stench so powerful made me scrunch my nose in disgust, hit me my eyes widen in terror as I knew they were close, not one but by the smell of it 6 or 7 strigoi' were not far from here.
"Kevin!" I called out .
"Get your sister there near,we got to go." Getting a bunch of weird looks from Blondie and his friend I walked to the counter and paid for my gas.
"They're here its too late to leave ana ,protect the humans I have Michelle with me."

I nodded my head to signal him I got his message.

"Hey get your friend and follow me and keep quiet,if you want to live."

"What. Why should I listen to you?" Blondie said scrunching his brows together.

I drew my attention to his friend and whispered yelled. "Hey mark? kid come here. "

"Hey what up?"he said with a huge grin on his face.

"Y'all need to leave immediately or else."

"Or else what?" Said Blondie.

Slightly annoyed I replied, "Well if you would let me talk Blondie,emphasizing the word Blondie, I would actually tell-"

"Shit Ana there here they have us surrounded I'm just not sure why they haven't attacked yet" said Kevin with a worried expression. Before I could respond , a window shattered and a bullet was going straight at Michelle . I used my vampire speed to protect her the bullet hit my shoulder,normally bullets didn't effect me but this one burned like a mother f****r. Before I new it many bullets were shooting through windows. "Get down!" I yelled. We all fell to the floor covering our heads,I got up and made a forcefield to protect them from getting shot. I looked at the boys and told them to get up and head towards the back. *clang* More windows were shattering and in came about 3 strigois charging at us at full speed. I looked at them and lifted my arms up,to have them been thrown to wall. I looked over at Kevin to see him fighting off 2 more. I grabbed Michelle up from the floor and told her to get the backpack that was lying across the room. I looked at the two boys. "Were the hell did you park your car ? were gonna need it."

They both nodded in agreement. "U-uh its in the back" said mark. "Good you got the keys? I'm going to make a pathway for y'all to escape to your car and take Michelle and Kevin with you if I'm not out in 10mins then y'all head the fuck out of here I need those two",I pointed over to Michelle and Kevin who was done fighting them off,"Alive. Ya got it?"

Blondie with concern written all over his face asked. "Wait what happens to you? There's like 20 of them creatures you can't hold them all off."

"That's were you come in,I grab over to my thigh and pull out a hand grenade, Your gonna pull this trigger out and throw it inside the shop,hopefully I will be out by then,if not I can survive the blast."

I looked over at Kevin to see if he heard when suddenly he just falls on the ground face first. Behind him on his back there's an arrow stuck in his shoulder blade,the only thing that can take us down with an arrow is a hunter, they have specially made arrows. "NOO!" Michelle cries out her eyes turning a dark bloody red as she runs towards him dropping the backpack as she nodds at me to use a forcefield bubble to protect her from any arrows coming her way. I look over to the boys and yell "Now go!" Mark instantly gets up and runs towards the door smashing the window and going on a full on sprint to his SUV. "Michelle can u pick him up?" I yell.

"No I have to get this arrow out before I move him or he'll d-."

"Michelle watch out!"as a strigoi runs towards her bubble and shatters it tackling Michelle to the wall. I use my telekinesis to tell Blondie to get Kevin and leave the arrow in and run to the car now waiting for us out in the front. Blondie's eyes glaze over telling me he got the message he nods shortly after running towards him. I reach over to my utility belt and take out an ancient silver knife and stab the strigoi in the head as it choked Michelle recovers her breathing as it vanishes in thin air, leaving ash in a small pile. "Head to the truck I'm gonna get Kevin and Blondie." She simply nods. I look over to the boys and see Blondie getting attacked by a strigoi , for a human he's pretty strong, ass locks q. I use my vampire speed to grab the grenade in Blondie's pocket slip it in the strigois mouth push him as far as away from us as possible and *bang* guts go flying everywhere I make a forcefield bubble just in time to stop the guts from spilling on us. I pick up Kevin with help from Blondie who decides to just throw him over his shoulder. I grab on last thing before leaving, my bag full of snacks, and grab the backpack she dropped, I paid for its a shame the cashier guy died the second they shot us. As were rushing out the door more strigoi come in I look at Blondie and shove him out the store. "Run!" Left right left right I keep dodging punches,kicks,and claws. I get a get another grenade and throw it at the wall when Blondie comes back in saying there all done. "Sh*t." I tackle him on the floor making sure to cover his head and land on him when *BOOM* the store explodes all I manage to see is guts and blood everywhere. I look up at the ceiling and it starts to collapse I instantly make the biggest forcefield bubble I ever made. Everything is falling bags of chip,the hotdog stand is torn to pieces on the floor its like a war went off. Feeling dizzy I collapse taking the bubble down with me just before I see Blondie yelling at me but i can't hear him. My vision starts to get blurry. Last thing I see, is him picking me up bridal style and running to the truck. When his skin got in contact with mine I felt my skin Like if it was on fire. I looked to his eyes, i was stunned and frightened as an image is projected in my mind I could still see through my eyes while I watched I, I could tell he saw it too. Its me and him except were on a bed he's on top and we're clearly doing the nasty,my arms are around his neck and his back muscles you could see them flex with every stroke/movement then theres darkness.... Pitch black darkness and I'm drifted off into a deep slumber. It felt like a strong memory..


Haha.! How's that for a chapter? This is my first wattpad story everrrr. and I hope y'all enjoyed. Vote comment .... bye?

Sincerely ~_fvck_

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