Counting The Days (NaLu)

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Summary; In which Natsu leaves for a mission, alone. And as the long days pass without him. She realizes something, damn does she miss him, and why isn't he returning?


"I'll be back in a couple of weeks, Luce!"
"Wish me luck!"
Don't leave...
"You don't need it!"
Come back...
"Bye, Lucy!"
Don't say that...
"Bye, Natsu!"
The trains gone.
Taking my partner, my best friend, with it.
"See you in a couple of weeks, Natsu..."

Day One

That first day without him was not as horrible as I thought it would be. Sure, I did miss the louder then life fire breather, but it was so very peaceful. It was quiet.
Well, as quiet as you can get in Fairy Tail.
There was still the usual bar fight, the yelling, the insults thrown around like bullets. Even some chairs got thrown around.

However, to me, it was so very quiet.
It was a complete contrast to what I was used to. Usually an arm would already be wrapped around my shoulders, a voice that I knew as well as my own would be talking in my ear, and a brighter then the sun smile, would be directed at me. But, there was not any of that.
I could picture it so very clearly, though. As if it were all happening right now.

A flyer from the request board would be shoved into my face.
An eager voice would rise up, ready to face the danger that the flyer promised.
Cherry blossom hair would fill my eyes, making me smile, because I would always love his hair.
His dark eyes, would hold a green sheen to them, exposing his growing excitement.
His warm, calloused hand encircling my wrist, ready to drag me away.
His warmth always by my side.
His laughter following our every footsteps.

I sat back in my chair at the bar. My daydream fading away like dew on a leaf. Chased away by the oncoming sunlight.
Funny how there was no sunlight for me.
My sunlight was already gone.

Day 5

Levy suggested I write letters.
Not to my Mother.
But to you, Natsu.
I know you'll never get to read these. And I'm happy about that. I would find it rather embarrassing if you did. Which reminds me, I must hide these somewhere before you get back. But, knowing you, you'll probably end up finding them anyway. That's alright though, I suppose. These are going to be unimportant (rather boring) anyway.

The Guild isn't the same without you. Which I find odd. I certainly didn't think there would be a difference.
The Guild is still loud.
Filled with chaos.
Dunken insults.
Flying furniture.
And, oh, did I mention all the fights?

Same old Fairy Tail.

But that's just the thing, Natsu. It's not the same Fairy Tail without you in it.
The Guild is...missing something.
Something that makes it whole.
Makes it warm.
It's missing you.
So, Dragon Boy, hurry back, and make Fairy Tail,
Fairy Tail again, okay?

Day 7

Hey, Natsu! How's the mission going? I know it's a tough one. With you taking all those Dark Mages. But I know you can handle it!
Just, hurry back.
I'm starting to miss my partner in crime.

Day 9

The funniest thing happened this morning, Natsu.
I woke up and
automatically, like it was ingrained in me, threw my arm out towards the side opposite of me.
I was shocked when my hand only touched the bed sheets.
They were cold.
A body had not lain there that night.
I was searching for you.
But, instead, I woke up to a cold, empty bed.
Can't you hurry back to make it warm again?

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