Chapter 12

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A/N: Well, holy hell, I honestly can not believe how many views/reads I have like its so insane... I have actually around 1.43k views and around 60+ reads throughout most of my chapters and it's so hard to believe I write for that many people :0 you guys are sooooooooooooooooo amazeballz and your support and all of this is just wow like I don't think I could thank you enough <3 I actually happen to be on the featured page regularly now and seeing that just makes me soooooo happy and it puts more confidence towards my writing skills and it lets me know like hey, I may actually be doing a really good job. But really, thank you guys so much for all this support and everything it means the world to me and it just turns my entire day around and I just feel so lucky and accomplished and I feel like I've actually started doing something right for once. You guys are literally the best. Also I might be naming the chapters instead of having them as 'chapter #' and stuff.
           Love you all
                 Tobaescus <3
We walked down a few streets and eventually strolled into a park. It was filled with vast areas of sidewalk and trees. Including small ponds and light fixtures that illuminated their surroundings, lined up on the side of the pavement. The air was cold against my skin, but only when the wind blew. It's blew my hair out of my face though, which was an upside to it. Though it was cold it wasn't too cold. It was like a mixture between both warm and cold air.

There were a few ponds casted along the landscape but held in the centre of the park was a giant lake type thing. It's seemed as more of a giant pond. Rocks surrounded it and algae covered some of the area, but overall it was pretty beautiful. Some bridges were placed here and there and there were two docks placed in relatively the same area, which I never really understood. There was a passage way type thing near the east side of the park that had concessions and bathrooms, but every time I was there the concession was never open... An outdoor pool sat near sort of the middle but not quite the middle of the park.... If that even makes sense... There were a few playgrounds here and there as well.

Small creatures like crayfish were in the depths of this giant pond type thing, and dead ones were usually alongside the rocks. There weren't any fish though, unless you headed to the Japanese gardens beside the park.

The sunset casted over the water and projected its light across it. It's rays flowed between the trees and left some warmth on the ground. The leaves rustled with the coming and going of the winds. You could not only smell, but feel the crisp autumn air as it passed by. Sure it was a little chilly but most of the time it was pretty fair.

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