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' . . . A simple white page, . .
. . . An ink brush, . .
. . A black ink fell . .
                                         . . . Making a splash, . .
                                . . Against the white surface . .
                           . . . Creating impurities . . . '

Bullying doesn't make you a person, it doesn't make you popular. Bullying only makes you look more monstrous and viscious, all it does is reveal and feed that awful side of you. I know that what you want is to be accepted, and be well-known by others, but sadly you will never be able to make good friends that way. Because all it does is make you gain bully friends.. "friends" that will only start to bully you as soon as one of them doesn't like you. You can always change that by changing positively, behaving much more nicely to others and respecting them. Let us all make a positive stand against bullying and work against it together as one! By supporting anyone in need we can always become stronger when 'we' walk together and help to stop bullying, whether in real life or online. Best way to help someone in need is by positively supporting them either emotionally or physically best way you could, if you see any random person even if you do not know is getting hurt don't hesitate in any way to help no matter what. A bully is often a victim themselves, and sometimes needs just as much support as their victims in overcoming the problems that cause them to act out negatively.

rayanoshana DanyelleSilver redheaddmaiden LegallyBrunette00 dougmcquaid

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