#nomorebullying June Challange

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As you have read previously in the two stories, bullying can come in many forms. It can come from anyone -- your loved ones, your best friends, or your colleagues at school or work. There are many people that are silently burdened and hurt all alone, so we must try to help everyone by spreading the awareness. The least you could do is share your thoughts, and share stories that you find on here from influential wattpadders that advocate against bullying. You can do this either online or offline. A bully is a bully. If you ever witness someone being bullied and you're a bystander -- not doing anything to help then you're just as bad as the guy who is bullying. Bullying will never get you anywhere. It only adds to the fire, and nothing will be left for you in life -- only enemies of people you once knew.

If anyone is wondering where they can get to this challenge it's by NoMoreBullying. I hope it helps all of you to spread the awareness everywhere, not only in wattpad but also on other social media websites and even in real life! ^^
#joyinjune #nomorebullying

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