Lovely Words

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And here.. When he looked into her eyes, without any further hesitation deep yearning and loving words escaped his lonely soft lips:

"...but your eyes are the reason behind my lonely escape to poetry, I would've even wrote tremendous words regarding that beautiful smile of yours..!! may I ever be able to find a lovelier face than yours? I have a whole lifetime I could spend upon gazing you, while you...have that certain look you would've spent upon wanting to kill me..!....come here my dear, please come here and free me from my lonely prison..!! whenever you fade away in front of me, escaping my lonely gaze... my mind would only fade along the way with you, those words you have spelled wanting to leave me had only meant for me to rot away easily. Oh many letters could I have spelled upon wanting to see you, wanting to hear you, wanting to read more from you? remembering the way you said my name as you laid your face on my chest, that is the only way your voice could only.. belong.. to.. me.. because of your eyes..!.. they are the reason behind my horrid escape from everything... please take me with you, oh take me to you!.. this deep devoted love within my heart serves no purpose to me other than reminding me of that exotic scent of yours... it is impossible kill."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13, 2016 ⏰

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