A Victim

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" ... Hello, my name is Sarah. I'm just your average 19 year old girl living a happy simple life, with a hopeful mind. I have many things I wish to do in this world. One is to be able to earn a good amount of money in order to help my family. I also want to travel and discover the world, and help as many people as I can! I might have met you once somewhere and smiled at you. I probably looked very innocent and shy, but behind that simple smile lied a very dark painful side. I am a bully victim you see. I get bullied verbally and psychically sometimes by the people I love, and the people I know personally. My friends bullied me behind my back. They thought I wouldn't know but I did. They acted nice and all but then they backstabbed me as they stole my schoolwork for the whole year and acted as if it was their own. The teachers believed them always and I had to repeat most of my work and read double the amount of books. I tried to tell the teachers that the work was mine but they acted as if I lied to them instead. And I'm still friends with those people despite of it all. But, those aren't the only things that happened to me. They weren't the only people that harmed me because everyone I loved in my life 'did' bully me. Even my dear mother bullied me, and my brothers and sisters. They would laugh at me, yell at me, call me names every single day. I had to clean, cook and wake up early to take them to school. They would sit and yell calling me crazy and lazy. Although, I was the oldest, working hard for them to give them the best I could in this life... Things weren't that bad only at home. Whenever I went outside I would hear people gossiping behind me in elevators and coffee shops, talking about my weight, my face, my tired look. They didn't know that I ate food to eat my pain. They always thought I liked eating food because I was addicted, but the truth was it was only to cover up my pain and shame. Ever since I heard random people laughing or acting strange around me it made me very uncomfortable to go outside peacefully. There were people I barely knew from my classes that I clearly heard talk about me when they sat right behind me and mentioned my name. They talked about how ugly I looked, how fat I was, I was even called a pig. Tears swelled in my eyes as I heard that, at that time, but until this day I still keep my head high and smile whenever I see them as if nothing happened. I even helped them with their schoolwork. Things didn't only stop there because one day I decided to go and shop for fun alone. I went to this shop to check out those cute dresses I saw. I knew they might not fit me or look nice on me but I still wanted to try them on. I wanted to have fun just like everyone else. And as soon as I entered that shop, the manager walked up to me and told me that nothing in the shop would suit me, and I don't look like someone who had the money or the good looks to buy, and told me goodbye. The same thing happened to me in several other shops I went to actually. Despite what happens to me every day, I still smile and keep moving on in life and stay strong and never give up... "

Bullying doesn't have to be in one certain way at all. It can be by your loved ones, judging you simply here and there. They never know what you go through on a deep emotional level. Please stop judging people on how they look and start getting to know them on a different level. If you know someone who likes to gossip about others and call them names and even look down upon them, you shouldn't feed their fire and laugh. The least you can do is stop them and educate them about the consequences it has on the victim.


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