Vacation Meeting!

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I hope you'll like this story better than the other one! (Love Birds~ Green x Reader) Enjoy!

____'s POV

I was having a nice and peaceful sleep, about becoming the Pokémon master but one of my friends, Red is the Pokémon master so there is no way I'm beating him... But unfortunately one of my other best friends, Blue, don't ask how but... Yeah just don't ask. Anyway, Blue just had to wake me up in one of the most annoying ways ever!


"Hehehe..." I woke up to hear a voice, a very familiar one too. I opened one eye and saw Blue with her so called 'trusty camera.' She carries that thing everywhere! It's mostly to take embarrassing pictures... Wait a second...

"Ahhhh!" I screamed, startled. I guess she was startled from my scream because she screamed with me. "AHHHHH!"

"What are you doing in my room?!" "I was just waking you up... Come on! We have a meeting with the gang!" Oh yeah, the 'gang' are the other dex holders, all in all were all friends.

"Oh... Okay. But I don't wanna get up!" I whined. "Well to bad! Now get changed!" She practicly demanded me. "Okay, okay." I got up and did my morning routine and went back to, Blue.

"I'm ready t-" before I could finish she grabbed my wrist. "Good." Was all she said before she dragged me out the door.


"Hey guys! I brought, ____!" Blue shouted. Everyone looked this way even Silver bothered to look. "EEEEEEK!" I heard Yellow squeal. "____! You back!" She jumped on me. "Yef now pwefse geet oof me!!" I was struggling for air. "Oh sorry..." She got off me.

I then heard a soft "tch, another pesky woman." I knew that voice very well. I looked around and saw those beautiful green orbs. Yes, I do have a HUGE crush on him, so what? It's obvious that Blue likes Red and Crystal likes Gold and so on! So why can't I like Green?

"Hey! My 'little sister' is not a pesky woman! Well, not as pesky as Blue... But still!" I pointed my finger up in the air. "Whatever, besides your one of 'me too so I see why your standing up for her and calling her your 'little sister.'

"No I'm not!"

"Yes you are."






"NO! Wait... I mean yes!" I chuckled, "haha I can still trick ya!" I then looked up, I never realized we were this close. Our faces were only a couple inches away!! I looks away, blushing madly. I couldn't see/tell that Green was smirking and blushing slightly right now.


"Hehehe, this ones sooo going in my 'My Shippings' scrap book!" Blue snickered and put the picture away in her pocket.

"So, guys... Wanna start the meeting?" Sapphire said. "Sure besides, that's why we're here right?" Ruby said.

"So why'd ya call us here, Blue?" Crystal asked.

"Weeeelllllll. I thought it'd be fun to go and have a nice vacation so I was wondering if you guys would like to go to a festival that's open for a week?" She smiled. I looked at her like, that's-an-awesome-idea! So I looked around and everyone agreed. Yay!

"Okay! We leave tomorrow at 10:00 sharp!" She said. "But that's so early!!!! Gold whined. Crystal and Silver smacked him behind his head. "Idiot..." They both whispered. "Owww."

Everyone left, said their goodbyes and went back to their houses. I can't wait for tomorrow!
Ooookayyy. I'm done! I hoped you liked this chapter! I'll try and actually update tomorrow!


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