The Weird Date

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"____, ____ wake up." I groaned and slowly opened my eyes. "What?" I slapped the persons hands away and got up. "Sorry ____ but Blue said we have to get ready and go to the lab."

I shot up and looked to my left and saw it was Yellow. Ahh, so innocent~. "Ugh, okay fine. But I thought seven pm. Why are we going now?"

"That's the thing. Silver texted Blue saying it was an all day date." I gasped in horror. "NO!" I hugged Yellow's waist and cried. She patted my head, "there, there, we'll get through this... Besides, this will be the perfect opportunity for you to kiss Green!"

I stopped crying and pulled away. "Oh no... Blue is going to make me... Shit!" She panicked and said, "Um... It'll be okay! I believe in you! Just, um, get ready okay?" Yellow then left the room.

I got up and put on my usual attire. I knew I was gonna have to change once I got at the lab but, oh well, might as well be comfortable before putting on boy cloths, right?

But what the girls didn't know that the boys were tricking them, instead of their own cloths, it's... Something horrifying!

I was done changing and getting ready so I waited for the other girls to be done getting ready. "Hey ____. I guess we're the first ones done, huh?" I looked to my right and saw Sapphire smiling down at me.

"Yeah unlike the other girls, excluding Crystal, we don't need an hour to get ready." I crossed my arms and pouted. "Yeah, well, we can't control that now can we?" She sat besides me and patted my back. "Yeah I guess so, I just hope we aren't late." Sapphire gasped. "You... Why?! I thought you said you didn't want to do this!" I shrugged, "I don't, I just wanna see the guys in our cloths again and besides, I bet I'll look sexy in Green's cloths!"

She laughed and nodded. "Maybe, I wonder how I'm going to look in Ruby's beanie... Mm?" She shrugged. "Whatever, might as well wait and see what's gonna happen!" She threw her arms up and smiled brightly. "Yeah, we'll just have to wait and see..."

•~•~• ((when the other girls, but not Crystal cause she finished way before the other girls, are done changing.))

"Ready took girls?!" Blue cheered, "yeah!" And "sure!" Could be heard throughout the entire house. "Okay, let's go!" And we're off.

When we got to the lab, the boys were smirking at us. "Why hello ladies. Come inside and we all shall get changed." Gold said going inside. "Stupid Gold..." Crystal and Silver muttered. I stiffened a laugh, I love how much Crystal and Silver dislike Gold, not that I don't like him or anything, but still.

"I bet all of you will look fabulous! The dre-" Green quickly slapped his hand over Ruby's mouth. "Anyway, let's go inside, shall we?" All us girls looked at the duo, suspiciously, but walked in shortly after.

"Okay! Now that we're all inside, girls in that changing room, boys in this one, got it?" Green asked. We all nodded and proceeded into the changing rooms.

All of us went in and locked the doors and looked what was in front of us.



I could hear all of us scream because... Why do I have to wear this?!

It was a thigh-lengthened dress. Short sleeves that were a bit frilly. Dark green at the bottom in a spicky pattern, smudging into a lighter green, like Green's eyes. It had some black and white designs on it (your choosing). And to top it all off, you were going to have to wear dark green high heels, and a medium sized dark green bow with white dots on it.

My Favourite Colour (Green x Reader) {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now