Planning... Stuff!

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____'s POV

•~•~• (at the beginning?! Whaaaat?)

1 week later, (ohhh)

I couldn't wait any longer! I couldn't sleep one bit! I grabbed my Pokégear and started to call, Blue.



"Oh, ____! Are you ready for me to pick you up?"

"Nah, I fly to your house with (F/P/N)."

"Oh, okay. But don't keep, Green waiting! I know he's desperate to see you in your new bikini!"

"W-what?! N-no way! Wait... W-what new b-bikini? We're not going swimming are we?" I blushed.

"Oh, didn't you hear? Platinum got us a hotel with a pool! Great right? After we all un-pack we're all going swimming!"

"Ah man... Fine."

"Great! You better be here in ten minutes!"

"Okay, okay. Later."


"Finally... Now! Time to get a piece of bread, shove it in my mouth, run out and send out my, (F/P/N)!"

So I did what I said and flew off!

10 minutes later...

Knock Knock Knock

"COME ON IN, ____!!!!!" I heard someone scream. Ouch.
I opened the door and saw everyone already here.

"It's about time you showed up! Geez, slow as always... Tch, pesky woman."
I looked to my right and see Green being mean!
"Hey! I'm not late! She said to be here in ten minutes, so here I am! I'm not a pesky woman too!" I snapped.
"Yeah, yeah. Excuses, excuses. Well at least your here......" I heard him mumble something but I couldn't quite catch it.

"Okay! Now that Green's done trying to flirt with, ____, we can go too ur hotel and go to the festival!!" Blue, excitedly shouted.
Everyone laughed at the first part, not me, Green or of course, Red. He doesn't talk.

I blushed and looked up at Green. He was standing right beside me so, why not? I saw him blushing too, slightly though. He looked down at me 'curse me and my smallness...' I thought. I blushed and looked at Platinum, pleadingly.

Since she was the only girl not to laugh at this kind of 'embarrassing moments.' Especially after, the incident!

But noooo! She just had to smile, shake her head and look somewhere else. 'Curse her...' I thought.

"Weeeeeeeeel, can we go now! I wanna go EAT!" Dia whined. Platinum slapped the back of his head.
"Your like another Gold but more obsessed with food..." She chuckled. "Owww..."

"What?! Another me?! What? Can't handle all this sexiness?" He made a 'sexy pose' but just made everyone laugh. Even me and Green laughed! But I'm more surprised that Silver laughed.

"Hey not funny..." He whined.


"Quit you whining and let's go!" Crystal shouted. "Hai!" Everyone ran out the door and called out their flying Pokémon, like me and we all flew off.

•~•~• (Brought to you by, your awesomeness!)

"Finally here!" Ruby and Sapphire, happily shouted. I chuckled at them. 'Ahh~ young love~!' I giggled.

"What's so funny in that so called brain of yours?" I looked around me and saw, Green... "Green! That's mean and that's none of your business!" I hmph'ed and looked away.

"Ahhh~ well am I gonna have o force it out ya~ hmmm?~" He took my chin and turned me around. He put his face near mine. I blushed so hard that it put Red and Sliver's eyes/hair to shame.

"Gasp! What's this~? ____ blushing? Too much to handle, cutie~?"

'Wait... Cutie?!'

Green's POV

'Wait... Did I just say cutie?!'


____'s POV

"I-it d-doesn't m-matter anyway..."

"Fine then. Have it your way." He finally let go of my chin and I quickly ran behind Blue.



"You took a picture didn't you!"

"Ahh~ you know me so well~!"

"Dang you!"


"Well now everyone remembers who's there hotel buddy?" Blue asked.


"Ugh. Okay the list is,
Me and ___.
Sapphire and Crystal.
Platinum and Yellow.
Red and Green.
Ruby and Gold.
Dia and Silver.
Got it?"

"Yes ma'am!"

"Okay! Let's go to the festival!"



Well... I hope you guys like this chapter! See you guys next time!


My Favourite Colour (Green x Reader) {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now