Revenge is Sweet~

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Imagine Gold is wearing Crystals cloths and Green is there wearing your Pokemon trainer outfit. And... Ugh, I guess Silver is gonna have to wear Yellow's outfit -.-"

I woke up and yawned. Last night was fun, weird and dark. But the boys learned there lesson and that's all that mattered. But Blue, well she had other things in mind.

"G'morning girls! You know that event that happened yesterday? Well... Knowing me, I have a plan!" She smirked. Me, Yellow and Platinum groaned of annoyance but Crystal and Sapphire had stars in their eyes and one of their hands were in a fist, eager to hear Blue's plan.

"Okay so, you know how the boys go the gym on Mondays, which is today? Well... In the afternoon when the are running, I say we put some of our extra clothing in their lockers and take their actual clothing!" All of us were silently discussing if we should do it. Well I guess it's what they deserve after what they did last night.

"We're in!" We shouted. She smirked and walked outside, since the door was broken... "Well come on! Let's go!"

•~•~• ((to the gym cause I'm lazy rn...))

We made it to the gym and we saw a lot of boys. Blue was fawning over some and got smacked by Crystal, reminding her of the plan. "Okay... Blue, where are the boys' lockers?" I asked. "They are this way! Come children!" She then dashed off. Yikes.

"____? Are you sure we are doing the right thing?" Yellow tugged on my sleeve. I smiled at her, she was always so innocent... Most times. "Umm, yeah. Remember? The boys now know your most embarrassing secrets so don't you want to embarrass them in public?"

She though for a moment and nodded. "Yeah I guess so." We then walked to where Blue dashed off to.

A few minutes later we were in a huge locker room that smelt like boy sweat. It was really disgusting. "Hey Blue? How are we supposed to open these locks? They have the keys and there is no way we can-" she cut me off short because we heard a loud blast in the other side of the boys locker room.

"Blue?! What the..." We all looked and saw she took our her Blastoise. "Hehe... Yeah, I kind of made Blastoise use hydro pump..." We all sweat dropped at her behavior. "Smooth Blue..." Sapphire commented.

"Okay ladies, ready for my plan to be put in action?" We all nodded and got to work. I looked in Platinum's direction and noticed the cloths we different.

"Hey Platinum? Don't you wear that jacket, you know, the one you're wearing now?" She looked at me then her cloths, "yea, but these are the cloths that don't fit my that well anymore. Plus he's gonna have to wear the miniskirt." I laughed. "Nice one Platinum." He smiled and put the cloths back in. Let's just say, you as well, is going to make Green wear a miniskirt and crop top.

((With the boys~)) NO ONES POV

The boys were finally done their workout and jog. "Ahhhh! I feel much better!" Gold stretched his arms. "Yeah whatever." Silver said. "So, what are we gonna do now?" Ruby asked. "EAT!!" Dia screamed. "Ugh, can you ever stop thinking about food? How about girls or something... Platinum?" Green sighed. Dia just stuck his tongue out at him.

"Guys... We have... A problem." Red said, blushing slightly. "Hmm?" The boys wondered. They looked around the corner and saw their lockers completely destroyed.

Their mouths hung wide open, but that wasn't the bad part. When they looked inside they're lockers, they saw girl cloths and not their own. They blushed and groaned. "I betting my money that this was Blue's idea of getting revenge on us." Gold said. All the boys nodded their heads.

"But I guess we have no other choice. Besides, Sapphire has fashion sense! I'm sure I'll look fine in her cloths." Ruby said flicking his bangs out of his face. The boys groaned but obliged.

The forced themselves into the cloths that were in their destroyed lockers and blushed. When they were done they all looked at each other and laughed. "Damn, you look ridiculous Dia!" Ruby was laughing so hard he cried. "Shut up..."

"I don't mind wearing this..." Silver said. They looked at him and nodded. "Kawaii~" Gold hugged him. "Ew! Get off me!" Silver shoved Gold off him.

They then heard someone stiffing laughs but then burst out laughing, a deep, sexy one. The looked and saw Red laughing so hard he and some tears in his eyes. They all looked in the direction he was originally looking at and saw Green in a mini skirt and a crop top that barely, just barely, covered his nipples. ((...))

He was blushing with a mad look on his face, teeth showing. "I'm soooo going to get ____ back for this. I shouldn't have given her that necklace..." All the boys, except Red who was still laughing, just had their chins on the ground and was shocked. They then recovered and started laughing with Red. "I hate you guys..."

((Back with the girls!)) ____'s POV

"That was the best thing that has happened to me in a long time!" Crystal laughed. The other girls were laughing while me and Platinum were just staring at them, smiling. "Hey, ____?" Platinum asked, "yeah?" "well, what we just did right now... Don't you think they'll be looking for revenge or something? Especially Green since you made him wear a mini skirt and a crop top?" I looked at her for while and shrugged. "Maybe. Knowing him, most likely. It will be a drag but, oh well. Who's stopping him?"

She looked back at the laughing girls and smiled. "Yeah, I guess you're write." The girls came back up to us and smiled, still giggling a bit. "So... ____. Remember the dare you still have to do?" Yellow teased. I blushed, "oh yeah... And he's going to look ridiculous when we do kiss! Man... That's not how I wanted my first kiss to be like." The girls looked so shocked and began to yell in my face. 

"You didn't have your first kiss yet?!" "No way!" "That's unbelievable!" They kept shouting things i my face until we heard a knock at the door. "Mmm... I wonder who that could be?" Blue ran up to the door and saw then boys. "oh hey guys! Damn... You guy look sexy with our cloths on!" I heard Crystal and Sapphire laughing but when me, Yellow and Platinum saw he looks on their face, we were scared. 

"uh oh..." the said girls said in unison. Red went face-to face with Blue, Gold to Crystal, Silver to Yellow ((again, don't ship them...)), Ruby to Sapphire, Dia to Platinum and worst of all, Green to me. We all had horror struck on our faces when they began inching closer. "IT WAS BLUE'S IDEA!" We shouted. Blue looked betrayed. "HEY!" 

"ENOUGH!" The boys shouted. "Do you have any idea how humiliated we were? People laughing, thinking we were jokes, not strong trainers. You ladies are going to get seriously punished." Green said."Mhm" the boys agreed. "Told you ____..." Platinum whispered. "yeah, yeah whatever." I whispered back.

"Now... The punishment shall be, you girls coming on dates with us but! We are going to be wearing these cloths and you are going to wear ours..."Gold said. That won't be so bad... Will it? "Mmm... Fine." We agreed. They smirked and walked out of the house. "Okay, meet us at the lab at 7:00... Later" Ruby said and they left.


Well that's it for this chapter! Next chapter... The date! And sorry for any miss spelled words... 


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