Rides and Love Rides!

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(F/P) = Favourite Pokémon

____'s POV

We all went in different groups, girls with girls, boys with boys. We all went on the bumper cars first. It's was so fun! I mostly bumped into Blue but got bumped by Platinum a lot.

Next we went on the roller coaster and I had so much fun since I wasn't afraid of heights. (If you are sorry!)
But the other girls didn't have as much fun.

After all that we went to get a snack. I had (your choice). It was delicious!

"____? Can we go find the boys? I wanna ride the ferris wheel with Red!" Blue whispered in my ear.
"Umm... Okay?" She squealed and told the girls. They all squealed, whiched caused me to almost go deaf.

But then they whispered something and giggled. I didn't hear it but I have a feeling it isn't going to be good.

"Ohh, ____~" Uh oh...
"Lets go find the boys! Since your new here, we'll lead you the 'ferris wheel.'


It took us awhile but we finally found the boys.

"Hey guys! Wanna come ride the Ferris wheel with us?" They all looked at each other, but agreed.

"Okay here's the deal! All of us go in this Ferris Wheel and you two," she pointed at me and Green. "Go to the tunnel of love!"

I blushed and Green slightly blushed.
"No way! I'm not going to that cheap ride with her!"

That hurt... A lot. I felt so sad inside myself but I tried to look strong.

"Too bad! Your going with her or else I'm going to tell everyone that you li-" Green slapped Gold on the face. "Shut it you little piece of-"

"QUIET! Green, you and ___ are going to that ride or else!" Blue snapped. He murmured something that I couldn't really hear.

•~•~• (you and Green make it to the looooove ride!)

"Ugh, what a line up! Can we please turn back now?" I shook my head, a little to fast. "B-but if we do... Well you don't need a explanation." I thought about Blue killing us. I shivered at the thought.

It was a bit awkward right now since nothing was happening. So I decided to play with (F/P).

Green's POV (didn't expect it??)

I looked down at ____ and her partner playing with each other. I thought it was cute... W-wait whaaaaat??

I was dragged out of my thoughts when someone grabbed my hand and dragged me more towards the ride.

I looked down at my hand and back up and saw, ____ holding my hand. I felt my face go hot, from what?

"Finally! The line is gone, lets go!"
She smiled up at me. I didn't know why but I smiled back at her for some reason. That's saying a lot to because I hardly ever smile.

"Two tickets please." The man behind the booth smiled. "What a lovely couple you two make!" I blushed and I looked at ____ who was also blushing but worse then me. I looked back at the male selling the tickets, "we are not a couple sir. We were forced to this ride by a 'friend' of ours." 

He looked a bit disappointed but he just nodded. "Well here are your tickets and please, enjoy the ride! It may change your relationship with each other." He winked at me and I just walked to the seat with ____ right behind me. When I sat down I stared at ____. She was putting on the seat belt that only goes around your waist. She looked ahead and smiled. 'She looks cute when she smiles...' 

I didn't relise I was staring at her until she poked my cheek and said, "Hey Green? Why are you staring at me? It's kinda weird." She looked down. Thank Arceus because I knew I was blushing in embarrassment. "Oh sorry." So I just looked back at the front and waited for the ride to start. 'lets just get this over with.'

____'s  POV

'That was strange... Something is up, I can tell.' But I pushed that thought away and focused on the ride. But when I looked up at Green, he was looking at the guy that gave us tickets with a blush on his cheeks. I was confused about this so I looked at the guy, he was back to selling tickets so I looked at Green, focused on the ride ahead. 'Hmmm.'

The ride started to move so I kind of jerked forward, hitting my head on the 'boat'. "owww." I groaned. Why me? "Clumsy woman." "Wow thanks for helping me out with the pain on my head." I rubbed my forehead but my hand was taken away because Green took it in his hand and came closer and examined my forehead. "It seems fine to me."

I blushed like crazy. Why is he this close to me?! 

"U-Umm y-yeah! I-It's f-fine now!" Dang I hate it when I stutter. "Hmm, sure you are. After this I'll call the others and saying we're taking you back to the lab to check that out."                                                           "U-Umm okay. But do you mind backing up a little and letting go of my hand?" He looked down and saw his face a couple inches away from mine and his hand in mine. He quickly jerked back and said nothing else for the rest of the ride. But little did I know he was stealing glances at me.

 ~ ~

We got off the ride and walked towards the ferris wheel. Green called Red and he said that they were going to wait for us there. It was kind of awkward because of what happened earlier, I know not as intense but it still kind of freaked me out a little. 

We got the ferris wheel and saw them all waiting for us beside the entrance. "Hey! What took you guys so long? Were you guys making out or something?" Blue smirked at us. "NO!" Me and Green yelled in unison. "Aww~" Blue pouted. "Anyway we have to get Ms. Clumsy here back to the lab because she hit her head on the ride thing." Green said. 

"Aww! Green is looking out for ____!" Sapphire cheered. "Yeah like when Ruby saved you from almost falling off the cliff." Crystal stated. Sapphire and Ruby blushed. "Whatever..." Ruby mumbled. "It's not like Gold didn't save you from a stampede off Ryhorn." Platinum said calmly. Gold swung an arm around her, "Yup~ just looking out for this little cute, clumsy girl!" He laughed. Crystal and Silver just slapped him. "shut you little dope!" They both said. We all laughed. "HEY! Dia here saved you from falling off a tall building!" Yellow said. "Hm? Oh yeah! Be happy Platinum! I saved you so you'll repay me with food!" He looked at Platinum with puppy eyes, standing to close to her for her comfort.

"Yeah Yeah but isn't this situation about ____?" She said. They all looked at me and Green. 

"Oh yeah." They all said. 

Me and Green just sweat dropped. "They didn't... Remember?" I asked. "I guess..." He said. 

"Sorry... Lets just get her to the lab..." Red said. "Right!" Blue cheered. And off we went.


Thanks guys for being so patient for this chapter! I'm truly sorry! But I'm trying! But I hope you guys like this chapter as well as my other ones. 


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