Girls Night! Maybe...

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"____!! You're okay!" Crystal came in with Platinum to check on me. "It's good to see that you're okay ____." Platinum smiled.

I nodded my head a little bit. I may be feeling better but my head still hurts a bit.

Oh yeah, it's been a week since the incident at that stupid ride... But my friends have been seeing me and helping out. Everyone but Green...

"Oh yeah, ____? We have a surprise for you!" Crystal got something out of her bag and handed it to me. "Wow! So cool! Thanks guys."

It was a (F/C) gem stone. I put it around my neck and smiled. "Thanks again you guys... Um, who thought of it anyway?" Crystal and Platinum smirked at each other. "It was none other than Green!"

I stared at them for a little while. Why would Green get me something like this? My question, that was clearly in my head, was soon answered by Platinum.

"He felt sorry for you, hitting your head at the ride. Also for not showing up, he's busy training with the boys." I blushed, so he does care for me! I mentally screamed.

Crystal seemed to notice and smirked. "____? Are you blushing at the thought of Green actually caring for you?" I gasped, how did she know?!

I looked at Platinum to see if she would back me up. But of corse that didn't happen.

"Sorry ____. Have to agree with Crystal on this one." I sighed, so much for 'secretive' friends. "Okay fine! I do kinda like him a bit... But if you tell anyone I swear I'm gonna get my revenge on you two..."

They sweatdropped. "Umm... Okay ____, whatever you say!" Crystal laughed nervously. "But anyway, us girls are going to have a girls night tonight and was wondering you'd like to go?"

I closed my eyes and crossed my arms. "Hmm... Ahh... Okay! Only if we can play a game by my choice. Okay?"

Crystal and Platinum looked at each other confused but agreed. "Okay then. We'll see you later! Go to Blue's house by 8:00."

I nodded and waved them goodbye. But what they didn't know was that I was going to chose a game called TRUTH OT DARE!

"DUN DUN DUUU!!" I laughed and started coughing.

•~•~• ((time skip to 7:50))

I woke up from a three hour nap. Boy, did that ever help. I looked at the clock and gasped. "I'm gonna be late!" I jumped out of the bed and held my head in pain. "Okay, take it easy. I'll be fine." I grabbed my cloths and sleep stuff and bolted to Blue's house.

I opened the door, one minute to spare. "H-Hi *pant* guys..." "____! You made it and... Did you run all the way here?" Sapphire asked.

I nodded. "Yeah... Hey um, can I get a glass of water?" She nodded "sure! Go to the living room. Everyone's waiting."

I thanked her and headed to the living room. "Hi guys!" They all looked up and smiled. "____!!" They all glomped me, except for Platinum.

"Guyyyyy's get off!" We all laughed and helped each other up. "Good to see that you're doing okay ____." Yellow said. I thanked her.

"So ____... What game did you wanna play?" Crystal asked. "Oh yeah! Just wait for Sapphire.

A couple seconds later she came into the room. "Here."

I nodded. "Okay guys we are going to play....... TRUTH OR DARE!" They all groaned except for Blue.

"Oh ____! You're growing up! I'm so proud of you!" Blue had anime tears in her eyes while hugging me.

"Haha! Okay so... Crystal! Truth or dare?" She had to put a lot of thought into this but! It wouldn't matter because I have to bad things in mind for which ever one she chooses.

"Truth!" She stayed proudly. I smirked. "Crystal... Do you like Gold?" She blushed. "W-What? Don't you every see me hit him all the time! He's such a dork!" Sapphire chuckled, "you mean the 'hits of looooove~'?" We all burst out laughing.

But we all heard a bang outside the house. We all looked out the window but nothing was there. We all shrugged.

"Blue! Truth or Dare?"

So the game went on. We admitted embarrassing stuff or did embarrassing stuff. We even have to do some dares later on because some of them are with the boys.

And finally, it was my turn.

"____! Truth or Dare?" Yellow asked.
Knowing Yellow was innocent I went with "Dare!" I smiled. But... She had a dark aura around her.


"____... I dare you to grab Green by his collar and kiss him with all your passion."

My face was blank. My mind was blank.

But laughter and shushing came from outside. We all looked at each other and nodded. We all took out our strongest Pokémon. Mine obviously being (F/P).

We all busted the front door down and looked to our left. Some gasped. It was the boys. They had heard us the entire time. All our private, embarrassing stories... Gone.


"(F/P)! Use (P/M)!!" All the other girls followed suit.

The both were sent flying into infinity. All the screams now returning to Earth. "Guys... What are you doing here? You know, snooping around isn't good." Sapphire and I said, darkly. All the other girls had dark faces.

"W-We're sorry!" All them said. But not Red, we knew he was forced into this.



And so, that was the night they had...


I'm sorry it's late and I'm sorry it's bad. I'm super tired but it's only 10:45... Oh well! Sorry I'll make it up to you in the next chapter!


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