Jaime Preciado

451 29 45

School. Too me its more like a penitentiary. Its Monday too. Like bruh please.
Its the first day me and Tony will be going to school as a couple.
Yes an official couple.
I'm a bit scared. Not gonna lie.
"Hey hermano um.. Someones at the door for you" says my brother as he storms in.
"Who?" I ask putting a paper in my backpack then slipping it on.
"Gabe.." He whispers but loud enough for me to hear,
And Why the fuck is he here.

I move past Marcos and head to the front door.
I see him standing, looking around the block. I roll my eyes and I cough to grab his attention , he soon switches his attention to me.
"Well hello handsome. Thought I would give you a ride to school Alberto" he speaks with a cheeky grin.
Uh. I just want to smack it off his face.
"Don't fucking call me that.."
"But thats your name.."
I roll my eyes and walk out shutting the door behind me.
"Leave me alone.. Please.."
I start walking to the corner. With Gabe right behind me.
"No.. Why'd you leave me..and not just leave but tell everyone a whole different story of what happened that night"
I stop and breathe in.
"I didn't lie.." I say
"You didnt exactly say the truth.."
"Stop and leave me be.." I continue walking.
"No you stop Al." Gabe yells. He steps in front of me.
"You have to listen to me damn it. Unless you want your precious Tony to suddenly be in danger.." he trails off with a smug look on his face.
I look away and ignore his eyes.
I sigh. Look in his eyes.
"Fuck you. I never wanted you. Nor will I ever. Your trash. I love tony. So let me be and don't you dare lay one finger on him. You do, your dead" I push past him and leave too meet tony.
"Your gonna pay for this." I hear him yell.

I sigh in annoyance as I reach the light where me and Tony are meant too meet. I lean against the light pole as I wait for the cute tall boy to show up.

10 minutes late and I start to worry.
I wait another 5 and I'm in full fledge panic mode when the cute tall boy suddenly runs up out of breathe.

He bends over with his hands on his knees trying to catch his breath and I chuckle.

"You need to hit the gym if you ran out of breath running from your house to here" I laugh

He glares and I smile.

He stands up and smiles

I laugh and push the button for us to cross "Morning Tony" I lean over and kiss his cheek.

We cross the street heading to school. I look down as our hands are very close and I wonder if I should just take it. I keep thinking as we walk and then Tony just grabs mine and interlocks it with his. I get the feeling of butterflies in my stomach. I keep walking content with us when suddenly a loud shriek nearly deafens me.

"Ehhhhhh ahh Oh my god. Oh my god. Yes. Yes. Yes" Jenna nearly shouted as we met up with her on her street.

Tonys cheeks turned a pink shade as he looked down.

"So you guys boyfriends?" she asked excited as a kid on chrismas morning.

Tony nodded smiling at me.

Soon we reached the next street and were joined by the Mexican brothers Vic and Mike.

"Let's make like a burrito and roll" Vic says as we all walk together.
We all laugh and continue our walk to school.

* At nutrition break *

"And she stepped on the ball.. " Vic said finishing a story of one of his cousins.

(HSM Refreence.. c: )

We all burst out laughing except Mike. He just sits there looking deep in thought.

"Whats wrong Mike?" Kellin asks Mike and he simply shrugs.

"Anyways guys, so we gonna get pizza this Friday or nah ? " Vic says in a sassy tone.

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