-Chapter 4: Skepticism-

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She said it was impossible.

I smiled and said that I liked impossible.

She wondered why.

I said that I have done the impossible every day of my life.


"You need to eat! I'm not going to sit here and argue with you every day! You need to feed yourself! Sitting here and wallowing isn't going to fix the problem!" I turned over, ignoring the yelling going on outside my door. My sister sighed in frustration. "You are hurting yourself too much over this. If it was meant to be, then he'll come back around. That seems pretty impossible, but I'm sure there's a chance, however small it may be. You just need to wait and see what happens. Sitting around doing nothing won't get you any closer to him!" I wait to see if she'll continue, but footsteps down the hall confirm that she had given up for the day. Good, I was getting tired of her nagging.

It had been a week since I had been to the library. I still had no idea who my mystery man was, and I didn't know if I had a chance of finding him. The only thing that gave me hope was that there were three weeks between me and the eve of the summer solstice, when the lights were supposed to shine. Maybe... just maybe... No, it's too risky...

Well, maybe it will work. 

Just maybe...

I thought on the topic for some time, pondering what to do over and over like a broken record of philosophies and theories rather than rock and roll. It seemed that- regardless of what I did or said- it would come down to a luck of the draw if I find this man again. I just had to hope that my brother wasn't a liar and that those lights were real. 


My sister was hard to convince, but she eventually agreed to help me with the most dragged out argument I had ever heard. She went over every negative thing under the sun, but I still managed to drag her on, if only by a little bit. It may not be a good plan, but it was a plan nonetheless. I was going to return to the library and hope beyond hope that this man would do the same. I know its possible, it just has to be. It's just such a low chance that it almost seems like the reward won't pay for the effort. What if this isn't the right man for me What if I'm just getting dragged into an elaborate scheme of heartbreak and deception? I hadn't thought of this before, but my incredibly pessimistic sister was happy to point it out for me. It only sunk my hopes lower when I realized that I would have to wait a day or two for a ride due to my sister needing our only car for work an hour away and in the exact opposite direction of the library. 

It was a while before I had anything to cheer me up. It seemed so unlikely, and yet, the small spark of possibility seemed to be enough to keep the reality of the situation at bay. I seemed to have fallen out of my normal activities as I tried desperately to conjure up ways to make this work. Was it just a chance encounter, or something more? Maybe all of this meant nothing, and in reality, I was just overcomplicating something to the point of insanity. I was like that, and it was a habit I wished to break. 

Maybe I can make it work, even though the only person I have to talk to says its impossible, or pretty close to it. I giggle a little as I think about it. She told me it was impossible, but that was my kind of thing. Besides...

What is fun without some impossibility?


5 chapters, two and a half days. Oh boy, this is going to be crazy. 

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