-Chapter 5: How is There Light Without Dark?-

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They are so different, one said, as different as light and dark.

Another asked how they were so different when they had more in common then even they knew.

Yet another added that they were both good people who had been given bad experiences. 

The second to comment asked his question again, pondering how two people so alike could be compared to light and dark. 

The first smiled and said with a voice so calm that he is an impossible lie and she is the horrible truth.


I visited the library three times after my agreement with my sister. She drove me a bunch, but I only found the courage to go in on those days. It seemed like it was only yesterday when I had rolled through those sliding doors without a thought, but now, I hesitated every time. It was as if I had been gripped by an invisible chain which kept me in place every time I tried to enter that building. It was funny, really. At least, I found it funny. My favorite place to be, and I was forced to question myself every time I entered. 

It was on the third day when I had felt something as I pushed through the doors that made me a little more hopeful than anything else. It seemed that there was something about the way today felt, it could almost be described as magical. Yet, I also had a pit in the bottom of my chest that seemed to suck up every ounce of light in my heart, because the feeling of hope I had once felt was suddenly sucked away. I began to rethink my plan, and if I should even do this. It seemed like there were a million other things I could do with my time, but I was spending my days in a library where 90% of the books are in a language I can't ever hope to read. 

I was planning on leaving for the third time when a thought came to my head. While I was here, I did need some new audio tapes, since I had turned in the last ones I had listened to. I guess, since I am here, I might as well use my time wisely. 

I began the short little trek to the audio section, hoping that they had some new books in stock. I felt the labels in front of me, the bumps on each paper informing me of what the tape was on. I reached up and grabbed one such tape, a classic twist on the Rapunzel story. I liked that kind of fantasy, since it seemed that any life could be a fairytale if you worked for it yourself rather than wait for your Prince Charming to come for you in a white sports car rather than his noble steed. I giggled at the thought, and placed the audio tape on my lap. I was about ready to head for the check out line when I thought I heard a familiar voice. I couldn't quite tell from the distance, but it sounded like it could be the person I had been looking for. I moved forward, trying to get a better angle so I could hear better. It was certainly similar to the man I had talked to, but this person's voice was a little deeper and had a little bit of an accent. I could almost feel the hope flow away as I breathed out, searching for a new home in a more optimistic soul. Why had I thought that there was a light for me, when all I have ever known is the dark? Why did I think there was a chance that it was him when the world had only thrown me disappointment? I don't know what I was thinking, but I know that I rolled into my home with a sense of defeat. 

I had lost all hope of finding this man , the man that could very possibly be meant for me. It seemed that my original idea would't work, since I had already tried several times and had only come back with empty hands. I had only one chance left, and that chance was in ten days when the stars were supposed to shine in just the right way in one particular spot on the entire Earth. It was a long shot, but it was the only chance I had. I just had to hope that the stars would align for me. 


I'm going to be making this a challenge by the way, so beware :3 

Also, my hands hurt a little bit

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