3. ;Chapter Three;

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Ashton had 3 bandanas laid out on his awful purple bed spread, it was terrible how he was spendings so long; so far 45 minutes deciding what bandana. All to go to some, bonfire with Molly who he saw as a sister. He shook his head he needed to get these feelings out of his head he grumbled grabbing the red bandana to the right he was acting like a love sick teenage girl. He pulled a Led Zeppelin t-shirt over his bare chest, and some black jeans. Ruffling his curls he pulled round the bandana he had this excited bubbling feeling, like he was in 2nd grade and had a crush on Aisha Brahimi because her hair smelt like roses, it was embarrassing.

He snatched his phone of the desk and mooched down the stairs his dad was watching TV a beer rested on his white stained vest and his feet propped on the battered table. Not the most attractive position. Ashton nodded his way, as his dad grunts to him. Male communication proving to be minimum.
He checked himself out in the mirror, once more. Arrgh he was so pathetic, he shook the feeling away running out the door before he had a chance to look at himself in the mirror. again

It was beginning to turn dark as he turned into the Hunt driveway the moon was rising in a crescent as the fire from a afar was beginning to set a warm glow. Molly spotted him and sent him the biggest grin she was beautiful the luminous light from the fire was casting shadows crossed her tanned skins,
"Ash" she wrapped her arms around his waist and pulled him in. He hitched his voice and pushed her away. She raised her eyebrow, and he shrugged trying to brush off the sharp rejection.
"Can I get a drink?" He croaked
"Sure" she sing songed  slinking into the group of teens. "Yo Ashton, how's it going my man" James grinned ruffling Ashton's so preciously placed bandana. "Here" Said Molly placing a red cup with beer in his hands, he took a large gulp hoping it would arrest and drench his whirring feelings. The fire began to blaze as a drunk Tristan threw alcohol into the fire, "Burn Baby Burn" he slurred, pulling a reluctant, much to Calum's dismay to dance.
"Care for a dance" winked Molly yanking Ashton Into the heat of the fire she moved with a mesmerising swiftness he couldn't take his eyes of her the way her body, danced between  the shafts of light. She purred him closer as the rest of the group danced too, it was as if he was memorised in some sort of way. He could feel his heart pumping the blood surging. Her lips were inches from his as she whispered the lyrics against his lips. "Ashton....I" she mumbled but she was cut of as her lips attached to his. He pulled away stumbling back, the flames licking his arm, the hallucinating feeling leaving as the burning entered. "Ashton!" Everyone screamed.

The sting felt as if the fire was in his arm it was stinging and itching. He looked up at Molly shooting him a sympathetic look, "James get the car drive Ash to the hospitals now. That's a nasty burn" she suddenly turned into a controlling badass as the boys obeyed her and grabbed the car. Calum and Bradley hoisted his body into the car.
"Are you sure your a okay. I'll stay" Molly asked her hand by the open door
"I'm fine. You can stay here" Ashton shot through gritted teeth.
"Only if your---"
"I'm sure" he reached out his unburned arm and slammed the door shut.
As James with Tristan in the passenger seat drove away.

Ashton was sat in ER his, skin unable to be soothed. Tristan was still drunk and James was a little tipsy. "Fuck this" he snapped jumping up in search of the Burn unit this was so pointless sitting here his skin begging to crinkle like scrunched cello fame

Chloe's black hood was pulled down the sunglasses pushed as close to her eyes as possible, she slinked through the crowds of people in the ERunit her eyes darting around the room as, the thoughts of dire family's filled her mind. Grumbling she  turned her attention to a candystriper pushing a trolley of magazines, Chloe locked attention on her hurrying after her. She drew in a breath sharply checking the time. She sighed remembering Julia's instructions Michael would meet her at the edge of the blood bank at 8:30 with the keys to the room, she would take the blood and they would leave. (with 2o minutes for a extra snack) it was 20 past 8 and Michael wasn't there or anywhere to be seen, she would miss the perfect chance if her waited any longer, she would land her self in even more shit if she went against the plan though. But lucky for her vampires can't smell shit (not strongly at least)and Luke needed that blood. She shook her head the things she would do for that lanky blonde.

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