;Chapter two;

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"Fuck you, Calum!" Halima yelled, winning the game. "I told you I could beat you, I am the queen of video games, all of you hail me!" A grin was plastered on her face, and she threw the controller on the couch, raising onto her knees and poking Calum repeatedly. He laughed, slumping onto the couch with the controller in hai hands.
         "Yeah, yeah, whatever Hali." He said, going to get up but getting pushed back down, Hali poking all over his face.
         "I won, you loser, you can't compare to me. I'm too cool for yoooouuuu!" Hali dragged out, poking around his face.

        "Stooppp!" Calum squirmed around, struggling against Hali's grip. Their laughter mixed, and Calum's face went red at the feeling of Hali's body slumped against his and her long fingers poking against his skin. He grabbed her wrists, pushing her back onto the couch and pinning her arms above her head, a grin plastered on her face. He removed one of his hands, still managing to keep her wrists pinned down with one hand. He brought his over hand to her waist, and started to tickle her hips. Loud laughter fell out of her mouth as she squirmed around, not managing to move a lot, being stopped by Calum's grip. She started to kick around, and Calum grabbed her legs, wrapping them around his waist. He watched her laugh as he tickled her, her eyes crinkling at the sides and her cheeks flushing a perfect pink colour. God, she was beautiful. The way her eyes shine and laughs sound is like a drug to Calum. He couldn't get enough of it. He found himself looking down to her lips. They were just so fucking pretty. They were a pearl pink colour, and so plump. They looked so fucking soft. He could only imagine how they could feel on his.
He felt his movements slow, and his grip on her wrists soften. Hali's laugh died down, and they were left looking at eachother. He saw Hali's eyes flicker to his lips and he grinned slightly. That's the good thing about imprinting on someone. They feel the attraction aswell, even if they don't know about imprinting. Whether it's as a brother, protector, best friend or more. There's something there.
Hali pulled her pretty pink lips between her teeth, looking Calum in the eye. He brought his thumb up to her lip and pulled her lip out from her teeth.
  "If you keep biting it like that, it's gonna start bleeding," Calum said, his voice soft in the silence. "And I don't think something that pretty should bleed." He brushed his thumb over her lip, feeling her breath hitch.
He reached his hand up and tucked a stray piece of hair behind her ear. He softly ran his thumb over her cheekbone, his other hand not once leaving her wrists. He slowly leaned in, watching Hali's impression intently. Her eyes widened slightly, and she stiffened against his grip, before slowly melting against his touch. Her eyes fluttered closed, and Calum's short after that, their lips merely millimetres away from eachother. 
"Hey guys!" Molly said, bursting into the room. Calum's eyes sprung open, and he snapped his head over to Molly, a glare on his face. He felt Hali sigh softly underneath him. Molly halted abruptly to a stop, seeing the scene in front of her. "Oh shit, am I interrupting something?"
Calum groaned, and got off Hali, grabbing her hand and pulling her up into a sitting position.
         "What do you want, Molly?" He asked, glaring at her. Hali had a soft blush on her cheek, and moves her hair from behind her ear to hide it. Molly raised and eyebrow, and sat on the armchair.
         "I lived here long before you, Hood. This has been my house for long before you moved here." Molly said, rolling her eyes and turned to Hali. "I actually just wanted to talk to Hali." Hali looked up, looking flustered, and clears her throat, crossing her legs. Calum smirked slightly, loving the effect he had on her.
"Yeah, yeah, what's up?" Hali smiled at her, but her eyes continuously flickered to Calum.
          "How do you feel about wolves?" Molly asked, putting her chin onto her hand. Calum stiffened at the question, his eyes widening in disbelief. He looked at Molly with a look that read 'if you fucking tell her, I'll rip your head off'. Molly returned a stern look and Hali raised an eyebrow, shrugging.
      "They're cool, I guess." Hali replied, her attention never moving from Calum.
             "How would you feel about becoming one?"
              "Well-" Calum stood up abruptly, cutting Hali off. He shot Molly a look of pure anger.
             "Molly, can we talk?" He asked through gritted teeth, and walked out, Molly following him. He walked far enough that Hali wouldn't be able to hear or see them, and turned to Molly. A low growl left Calum and he tried his hardest not to phase right there and then.
   "What the actual fuck do you think you were fucking doing?" Calum spat, shoving Molly. Molly growled, clenching her fists.
         "Don't FUCKING touch me." She growled, shoving him back. "She has a fucking right to know! She's gonna have to fucking phase sooner or later."
         "She's not ready Molly, she needs fucking time."
    "No she doesn't, she is ready! You don't have a right to say whether she is or not, you're nobody! You're only here because you let your pack die!" At Molly's words, anger filled Calum and he grabbed Molly's hair, pushing her against a tree.
         "Don't you dare fucking say that to me, you low life bitch!" Calum growled, punching the tree by her head. Molly didn't even flinch, only delivered a hard punch to his face. He pushed Molly's head against the tree, and she kicked him away from her. She slapped him hard around the face and he felt his nails dog into his skin, ripping it as she dragged her hand down.
He balled his hand in her hair, yanking her roughly to the ground. He straddles her, his fists connecting continuously with her face. She struggled against his weight, feeling the pressure of his body resting on her hipbones. She felt a sharp pain as his body put all it's weight on them. And trust me, Calum isn't the lightest. As his fist hammered into her nose, she flipped his over and clambered on top of him. She dug her knee into his chest to stop him from moving before delivering each punch.
      "You fucking low life," punch. "dumb-fucked," punch. "limp-dicked bastard!" She screamed. He kicked her off him and stood up. He used all the self control he had to not phase and rip her apart. He wants to hurt her, but not that much. She went to throw a punch at him, but Calum grabbed her fist, squeezing it and pulling her arm behind her back. Molly let out a painful, dog-like whimper as Calum slowly twisted her arm.
    "Don't you dare fucking tell her, Molly." Calum said, his voice low and growling. "Don't you DARE fuck her life up like that. You can't fucking mess up her life like that, just because you're not happy with yours. You're probably just fucking jealous because somebody likes her but nobody fucking likes you!" Calum couldn't stop the words coming out of his mouth. He didn't mean any of it, he just couldn't control his anger. He felt Molly go limp in his arms and he immediately felt guilt fill conscience. He bit his lip, softening his grip.
      "Molly, I-" he was cut off by Molly pinning him against the tree, her arms around her neck. She started squeezing slowly, looking him straight on the eye, anger swimming in them. Calum started choking as her hand contracted around his neck like a viper.
      "Now listen here you fucking pathetic, dip-shitting, cock-sucking fuckboy." Molly growled, her hand tightening. Calum lost his breath, choking and gasping for air. "Don't EVER say that to me. Got it? I'm trying to fucking help her. I understand that it's hard to phase and that we should ease her in slowly, but she need fucking protection. With the new vampires, and the Collins, she's in fucking danger Calum. Don't ever fucking say that I'm trying to fuck her over.
She's my cousin, I would never fucking do that." She pushed herself away from him, and he doubled over, choking. When he caught his breath, he looked up At her.
  "I'm sorry." He's said, straightening up and facing her. She sighed, and shook her head.
          "It's fine. I don't wonna fight with you Calum. You're like a brother to me, I love you. I hate hurting you." Molly frowned, and Calum nodded.
           "I love you too Mols, you're my best friend." Calum pulled her into a hug, burying his head in her hair.
          "I'm sorry about your face." Molly reached up, brushing her finger over the scratches softly, and Calum winced, but shrugged.
          "It'll heal in a few minutes." He could already feel it healing. Werewolf perk.
      "Look Cal," Molly said, looking up at him. "You know she has to phase. The quicker she knows, the quicker she'll phase. I know you're trying to ease her in, but just... be quick." She kissed his cheek in a friendly manner, then phased, running into the wood. Calum sighed and walked back to the house. He walked into the house, and back to Hali.
     "What did you wonna talk to her about?" Hali asked, looking down at her phone.
           "Doesn't matter." Calum replied, and Hali looked up, and gasped.
        "What happened to you? Oh god, come on." She stood up, grabbing his hand and pulling him into the kitchen.
         "Nothing happened, Hals." Cal said, leaning against the counter. Hali had her back to him, wetting a cloth at the sink.
         "There's a huge scratch down your face, Calum!" Hali exclaimed, turning back to him just as the scratch healed. She froze, looking at him. "What the fuck? Where did it go?"
       Calum gave her his best worried expression, raising an eyebrow. "What are you talking about Hali? There's nothing on my face. Are you feeling okay?" Calum felt terrible about lying, but he can't tell her. He'll just have to convince her that she's imagined it all. Hali sighed, and threw the cloth into the sink.
    "I'm probably just tired." She said and Calum smiled softly at her.
         "C'mere princess." Calum said, leading her to the couch. He sat down, pulling Hali onto his lap. She giggled, and rested her head on his chest. He stroked her hair, and started to sing softy in her ear.

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