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Ashton's head was resting on the window, earphone in, blocking himself from his surroundings. He watched the rain splatter onto the car, shivering at the sound of it. Rain. Of course it had to fucking rain. It's as if the world is telling him he's going to hate it more than he thought. To make matters worse, he's starting school today. He's been in this god awful town not even a day, and he already has to brace himself to meet a bunch of rowdy pricks. Not to mention the fact that he's possibly the single most awkward person on the planet.
His dad pulled into the drive, and he looked up at the house in front of him. His new home. He stepped out of the car, grabbing his bags from the back and slamming the car door shut. He looked at his dad, who was awkwardly scratching the back of his neck.

"I'm, umh, happy to have you here Ash. I missed you." His dad said, giving him a tight lipped smile. Ashton hasn't seen his dad in 3 years. To say it was awkward would be an understatement.

"Me too Dad." Ashton replied, coughing awkwardly. They walked to the door, both of them in silence and his dad unlocked it. Ash stepped into the house, looking around. It hasn't changed a bit. The same pictures of him from when he was thirteen sat on the mantelpiece, directly in the middle. As if he was his price and joy. Not likely. Ashton followed his dad up the stairs, looking around at everything. He could barely hold in a sigh. Everything was the same. The same old pictures, in the same old place. The same old couch donned in front of the same old television in the same old living room with the same old decoration. The same old battered table in the kitchen, surrounded by the same old battered chairs. In a way, that's good. There's been way too much change lately. With his mum having to constantly travel for her new job, with Ashton moving here, with the new school. That's enough change for a lifetime.
He followed his father into a room and looked around. His bedroom. This is the only room in the house that has seemed to change.
His old Spider-Man bunk-bed has been replaced with a reasonable sized double bed, and the corner where all his toys used to be was occupied by the desk with an ancient looking computer on it.
"The cleaning lady picked up the bed stuff, you like purple right?" His dad asked, running a hand over the bed.
"Purples cool." Ashton shrugged. He hates purple.
"Well, you better get ready, schools starting soon." He walked out, closing the door behind him. Ashton sighed, walking into the bathroom and taking a quick shower. He then dried up and got changed, putting on black skinny jeans, a maroon and white "Misfits" top and a maroon bandana. Good enough.
He heard laughter and looked out of the window, catching sight of his dad with an old man in a wheelchair and a girl about his age. He walked downstairs and out if the house, towards the people. His dad looked over at him and smiled, gesturing to the man and girl.
"You remember Billy, right? And his daughter Molly?" His dad said.
"It's good to see you again Ashton. Your dad wouldn't shut out about you." Billy said, holding his hand out. His voice was gruff and Ashton shook his hand, feeling a vague heat on his skin.
"Oh, Umh, you too." Ashton smiled awkwardly. In reality, he had no idea who he was. Or his daughter. The girl smiled, and stepped foreword.
"Hey Ash, I'm Molly," she said, a careless grin on her face. "You probably don't remember me, it has been a long time. We used to make mudpies when we were little."
The memories came flooding back and he chuckled slightly. "Oh yeah, I remember. I also remember you chasing me with a crab on the beach."
She laughed. "What can I say, I look to torment you city boys."
"You've changed." Ashton said, looking her over. She really has. Little Molly Hunt wasn't so little anymore. Molly raised an eyebrow.
"That's kinda what happens when you grow up, Ash."
Before Ash could say anything, his dad slapped his hand on the truck beside him in the drive, making him jump. Molly laughed at his fright, making him blush. "So, what do you think?" His dad asked, looking at Ash.
"Of what?" He replied, giving him a confused look. His dad grinned and nods over at the truck.
"Your home-coming present."
Ashton was at a loss of words, looking at the truck. It was black, two door Chevy truck. It looked slightly old and battered but it looked cool. "This is mine?"
His dad nodded and Ashton smiled widely. "Wow, this is perfect! Thank you so much dad." He looked over at Molly. "D'you need like, a ride of school or something?"
Molly shook her head. "I have my own." She walked to the curb and straddled a dark red Harley that was say there. She started the bike and nodded over at Ash. "See you at school." She drove off, her hair flowing behind her. Ashton watched her drive off, an admiring smile on his face.

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