2- the curse

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Yugi proceeded to read the first page after the warning as it seemed to be written in a bizarre and strange language. But to Yugi the language appeared familiar as he read the words out loud in a strange tongue. Yugi could feel this strange power flowing into him that forced him to drop the book. Yugi hunched over in pain collapsing onto his floor onto his hands and knees. A dark power filled the room as the book's pages magically flipped open on their own. Yugi screamed in pain as the dark power poured into his body as he began to transform into something that was no human. Yugi screams became much louder as pain ripped throughout his body as he became long and slender like a cat. His back legs became bent as they transformed into large clawed feet as seen on gargoyle statues. Two short white spikes ripped out from his knees. His arms became longer changing shape to be like a bat's wing leaving a couple of the fingers long and sharp as talons. Another pair of small white spikes had ripped out of Yugi's elbows. Two long dark brown horns had ripped out of Yugi's head as all of his teeth became sharp as a pair of fangs lengthened from his mouth. Yugi's tongue became long and split like a snake's tongue. Yugi's Caucasian skin grew darker becoming tan and covered with a thin coat of fur as the fabric of his wings was the color that his skin used to be as from his wrist down to his fingers became light brown covered with fur. Dark brown spikes that almost looked like a dragon's scales had ripped out from Yugi's back starting at the base of his skull and ending at his waist. A long tail had also ripped out of Yugi's body stretching out the full length of his new body as a pair of white scythes pointing in opposite directions had ripped out near the tip of the tail. Yugi's once Amethyst eyes had become blood red as they glowed with power as they looked almost like a reptile's eyes. Two long red scars slashed their way over Yugi's eyes and on the shoulder blades as Yugi's ears stretched becoming longer and pointed like an elves ear. Yugi screamed and howled in pain as the transformation completed it's self.

Atem could feel the house shaking as he could hear Yugi screaming in pain. The screams sounded very unnatural for his little brother. Atem took off going up the stairs two at a time busting into Yugi's room. Dark energy shot out of the room sending Atem flying backwards into the wall hard. Atem scrambled back onto his feet entering the room once the energy had dissipated. Hunched over in the middle of the floor was Yugi as a stunned gasp emerged from out of Atem when he saw that his little brother had become something not human. Yugi now looked like a demon. The strange mysterious book that Yugi had received laid arms length from Yugi opened up to the middle of the thick book.

"Yugi what happened to you?" Atem asked in a shaky voice. A guttered snarl came out of Yugi's mouth as he lept out through a nearby window sending glass flying everywhere. Atem ran to the window to see Yugi flying off high in the sky.

"What in the world happened here? Atem where is Yugi?" asked his grandfather when he was the chaotic mess of Yugi's room. Atem walked back over to where the book laid picking it up. He felt a sharp zap of energy leap from the book when he picked it up. The book's pages magically flipped back to the first page as Atem read the warning nearly dropping the book when he saw the warning. "Atem what in the world is going on?" his grandfather asked again. Atem turned to his grandfather shutting the book clutching the book tight in his hands.

"Grandpa it seems that Yugi has become cursed as he has been transformed into a demon. It seems that this book is the cause behind it." Atem stated. He didn't know if his grandfather would believe him or not. Atem had seen it with his own eyes. But he was determined to find a way to lift this curse from his little brother. He had made a promise to his mother that he would watch over, protect, and keep Yugi out of trouble but it seemed that Yugi was in more trouble than Atem even thought was even possible. *Don't worry Yugi, I will find a way to save you even if it kills me.* Atem thought to himself.

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