13- battle against Zorc

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13 - battle against Zorc

It had been two weeks since Yugi's transformation into a demon, two weeks since they had first traveled to the magic realm in order to learn about the powers that they had and to learn the truth about everything that was going on. Yugi and Atem began missing their family and friends as they wondered how they were doing. But in the time since they have been here, they have learned how to fully control the powers that they have as it seemed that their powers seemed even stronger than Dartz. Both Pegasus and Merik even came up to aid in training both Yugi and Atem. Merik taught Yugi about some of the powers that he possessed as a demon as he taught him how to use and control that power. Within the two weeks that both felt like they were ready to face against Zorc. Even though they haven't fully completed the prophecy, they both felt that the only way to complete their destiny was to destroy Zorc.

Lately in the middle of the night Atem would wake up drenched in sweat. In his dreams he could see things that happened to his father Light and his twin brother Dark. He couldn't understand why he was having these dreams. And the dreams felt to real to be more than dreams. One night Atem woke up in a cold sweat over the dream that he just had. Suddenly Atem could hear someone scratching at his door. Atem got up walking over to the door, when he opened the door Yugi collapsed in the room as he was badly beaten up. Atem picked up his little brother into his arms.

"Yugi what happened?" Atem asked. Yugi never answered his question as he went unconscious. Atem had a memory flashback to a similar moment involving his father Light and his brother Dark.

Dark collapsed into Light's room after knocking on his bedroom door. Dark's body was bloody and bruised.

"Dark what happened to you?" Light asked.

"It's Zorc, he is on our world. He attacked me trying to get his book back. You did manage to take care of the book?" asked Dark.

"Yes, I sealed it in another dimension that is beyond his reach. Hopefully the book will never fall into the boys hands. Do you think we did the right thing without speaking to the elders?" Light asked as he began to treat Dark's wounds.

"To tell you honestly Light, I don't think those elders have any clue of what is going on in the realms. Besides I can't allow Zorc to have my power to kill you. In order to protect our sons and to ensure the safety of the world, I think that we did the right thing." replied Dark.

"I am actually surprised that Rebecca agreed to do what we proposed to her. But then again she could never decide between the two of us."

"What surprises me is that your son Atem seemed to realize in someway or form that I was not you. It shows you that they are all ready beginning to show signs of the power that we have given to them. I trust that you all ready said your farewells to Atem and Rebecca?"

"Yes I have, did you manage to see Yugi?"

"Yes I did. Are you ready to face Zorc?"

"Of course I am ready. Let's go?" replied Light.

Atem snapped back into consciousness. Was history repeating itself? Both Yugi and Atem were walking down the same path as their fathers. No doubt Zork had attacked Yugi in his dreams. Atem added his power into to heal his wounds quicker.

*Yugi we can't hold back any longer, we have to face Zorc. He has all ready broken through to boarders back home. We maybe the only ones who can stop him.* Atem told his brother mentally.

*I understand Atem. We are about as ready as we are going to be. Leave his demonic army to me. You have to be the one to stop Zorc. Only the powers of light can defeat evil.* Yugi replied as he slowly opened up his eyes. Atem remembered clearly what Merick said about the prophecy.

*No Yugi we do this together or have you forgotten what Merik had told us about the prophecy? We must do this together in order to defeat Zorc and to bring magic to the world.* Atem stated.

"Atem is right Yugi. That is where your father's failed. They knew the prophecy but didn't understand it. Only through the unity of the powers of light and darkness can Zorc be destroyed." added in Dartz.

"We will help you as much as possible but it will be up to you two to stop Zorc." added in Pegasus as the Paradox brothers nooded their heads in agreement. Both Yugi and Atem looked at each other as they both realized that this battle would decide everything.

Dartz had teleported everyone to the Earth realm as Shadi was there to great them.

"Thank godness that you are here the realm is in chaos because of Zorc and his army. There is very little that I can do alone." stated Shadi. All of the men and the two teens headed off for the center of town in Domino City where Zorc was causing the most chaos. The demon Zorc was an all black creature with glowing all red eyes which had no visible irises and/or pupils. Zorc looked to be two creatures merged together as he appeared to be half demon and half dragon. An evil and wicked grin stretched across the demons face when he saw the one who planned to stop him.

"So at last all of my prey shows themselves. Do you honestly think you can stop me you pitiful mortals. None can stand up to me. All ready one of you have fallen into my power." the demon laughed in a hearty deep voice. Yugi let out a low guttered snarl at the demon who had ruined his life. Never again could he be human as he now a monster as he can never assume his normal life. All of Yugi's hopes and dreams for his future have been crushed. A part of him wanted to rip out Zorc's throat. But Yugi control his demonic nature not allowing Zorc to get to him.

"Zorc you will pay for what you have done to our fathers and what did to my little brother. We will not allow you to do what you want to our world." yelled Atem as magic surged in his fingertips. The demon laughed out loud which shook the earth.

"I would love to see you try to stop me!" he roared as he signaled his army to attack.

*Protect the humans, leave Zorc to us.* Yugi yelled out telepathically as he lept at the demon. Atem's power gathered in his hands as the wings of light emerged from out of his back. Both brother's hit the demon together as the blast seemed not to phase the demon.

"Is that all that you've got?" he asked as he zapped both teens with his power. Yugi quickly recovered as he dove after Atem grabbing his brother by the shoulders with his clawed feet. Atem screamed in pain as Zorc sent another blast after another at the two. Both teens were sitting ducks as all they could do was draw up a barrier to protect themselves.

*Atem we have to do something. Our barrier won't last much longer!* Yugi told Atem telepathically. History was definitely repeating itself as this is how their father's died.

*I know Yugi!* Atem replied as he could see those whom were fighting along side of them failing in holding back the demons. Evil was winning. Atem could feel Yugi's own dark powers over powering him. Within his own being he could feel and sense a light glimmer of hope. *People of Domino City, don't give up. You must keep hope alive in your hearts. Believe in yourselves and your own power. Only together do we have the strength to overcome evil.* Atem cried out mentally. Atem could feel the light of hope growing with inside of him as power engulfed both his and Yugi's body. Power vibrated their very beings mering their powers together.

"No it's not possible! Not when I was so close!" howled Zorc as the light from Yugi's and Atem's bodies formed into a being of light and darkness. The guardians of light and darkness were finally reborn. The being looked at Zorkc and his demon army. With a wave of its attention to Zorc.

"Zorc we will no longer stand by and allow you to torture innocent people transforming them into demons. And we will never allow you to have our powers. You leave us with no choice but to destroy you in order to keep the peace in the realms." the being stated in a mix of Atem's and Yugi's voice together as a bright light began to crack through Zorc's body.

"NO, you can't do this. That power should rightfully be mine!" Zorc howled as he stretched out one of his monstrous hands towards the being as it stop short breaking apart in bright lights. Zorc's body shattered apart like glass as the darkness seemed to lift away.

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