9- training with Pegasus

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9 - training with Pegasus

After walking a couple of minutes they had arrived at a small hut just as the last rays of sunlight vanished. The stranger lit a couple of torches with a wave of his hand which gave off a strange and rather potent smell. Yugi winched at the smell as clearly his demonic half didn't like the smell.

"Sorry about this Yugi-boy but this is the only way we can keep the demons from coming around." the stranger stated as he opened the door to the hut. "Come on in and I will close all of the windows to keep that smell out for you." he stated. Yugi did as he said as he ventured inside of the house. The inside of the hut looked five times bigger than the outside. The stranger brought Atem over to a couch laying the teen down before he set off closing all of the windows and the door. He then returned with two blankets laying one on the floor and the other on Atem. With the wave of his hand the fire place lit up with a warm roaring fire place. Yugi has seen Shadi use the same kind of magic. The man had mentioned Shadi's name earlier.

*Could it be possible that this man possesses the same power as Shadi and that is how he knows Shadi?* Yugi asked himself mentally.

"To answer your question Yugi-boy, yes. Shadi was actually my teacher. He told me that you boys would be traveling through here. But I don't know how those demons learned that you were here. Are you hungry Yugi-boy?" the man replied as Yugi slowly nodded his head yes. The man walked into the kitchen grabbing a few things together before he reentered bringing a plate of raw ribs over to Yugi as well as a bowl of water. Hunger kicked in as Yugi dug into the pieces of meat.

*You still didn't tell me who you are.* Yugi stated mentally. He was a little bit surprised that someone other than Atem could hear him mentally. Did everyone who had magic within them have this power to hear people's thoughts?

"My name is Pegasus. You two should be safe here until morning. Yami-boy should come around in the morning. You should get some rest while you can." replied Pegasus. Yugi nodded his head as he finished off the plate of ribs and drinking all of the water. He then let out a long yawn before he walked over to the blanket curling up close to the fireplace falling asleep.

Pegasus left the room entering another room which revealed its self with a wave of his hand. The crystal orb which sat on a stool was glowing Pegasus walked over to the orb placing one hand on it.

"They are here Shadi." he stated as a man's face appeared in the orb.

"That is good news to hear Pegasus but, why do I get the feeling that something is troubling you?" asked Shadi.

"Demons that have been transformed by Zorc had attacked them all ready. Yugi-boy managed to kill one in a fit of rage because he thought that it had killed Yami-boy." replied Pegasus.

"Are they all right?" asked Shadi.

"Yami-boy was seriously injured but his powers managed to keep him alive until I arrived. It seemed that his own magic incorporated mine into his." replied Pegasus. The look of shock stretched across Shadi's face. "Wouldn't it be easier if Dartz trained them?" Pegasus asked.

"It would be but you know that Dartz won't do it until they learn the truth about their legacy for themselves. Unfortunately my magic has been fading over the centuries that is why I sent them to you even though they don't know that I did." replied Shadi.

"All right I will try my best." replied Pegasus as the orb dimmed out.

It was early the next morning when Atem regained consciousness, he felt around for the hole that was supposed to be in his stomach to find that it wasn't there. Atem opened his eyes to find himself in a house.

*How is it I am alive? Yugi couldn't have healed me and brought me here. So somebody else must have helped us.* Atem thought to himself as he moved getting up off of the couch that he was laying on. Yugi laid sleeping next to a fire as Atem could smell something cooking. His stomach grumbled lightly because he hasn't had anything to eat since beginning this journey. Atem slowly walked towards the kitchen finding a man standing by the stove cooking pancakes.

"Have a seat Yami-boy these will be ready in five more minutes." he stated. Atem looked at him shocked that this person seemed to know his name. Atem sat down at the table studying the man as he move about.

"Were you the one who healed me and brought me and Yugi here?" Atem asked.

"Yes, I did. Shadi told me that you two would be coming. He also told me that I should teach you how to use some of your magic. It was your magic that kept you alive and started healing some of your wounds. Oh I should introduce myself my name is Pegasus." Pegasus stated as he walked over to the table placing down two plates filled with pancakes.

"I hope that Yugi wasn't too much trouble for you. I even have a hard time controlling him." stated Atem as he dug into the plate of pancakes.

"Nothing that I can't handle Yami-boy. After breakfast, we will start training." replied Pegasus.

After they had breakfast, both Atem and Pegasus traveled to the huge spacious back yard. They left Yugi sleeping since he was so warn out because of everything that had happened to him.

"Right now Yami-boy you are only managing to use your powers through your emotions. We have to focus on you willing the magic forth. Over time it will be just a simple wave of your hand without thinking to get the magic to do what you want." stated Pegasus. Atem watched as Pegasus used his powers to form a ball of magic in the palm of his hands. After witnessing and hearing how to control the magic, Atem gave it a try. It took him several tries to get it right. Once Atem got the hang of it Pegasus had him try to hold it for lengths of time and increase or decrease its size. Atem proved to be a quick study as it seemed to feel natural to use magic.

"Pegasus I have a question, should it feel this natural to use magic even though I have never used magic or even knew that I had these powers until recently?" Atem asked.

"For someone like you because you were raised as a normal human being I would say yes but because of your lineage I would say no." replied Pegasus. Atem looked at him in confusion when he mentioned his lineage. Atem could remember the demon's that attacked him saying something about a prophecy.

"Pegasus what do you know about my lineage and some kind of prophecy?" Atem asked him seriously.

"Well I can't give you the full details about those things Yami-boy. The lineage has something to do with your family and the prophecy has to deal with what is happening to you and Yugi-boy. That is all that I am allowed to tell you." replied Pegasus. At least now Atem knew a little about what was going on.

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